[Ask The Ma’at’s] My Husband Is Controlling And I Want Out Of This Mess!
Viewer Question/Video: I am a mother of 3 from previous relationships; two boys from my x-husband and a daughter from a very abusive relationship. I meet a man that I had heard bad things about (he had many women in his past) yet I fell in love with him because one he was there as a friend and saved me from my abusive relationship. Well we dated 3 months and got married yes it was signs that it should have not happened yet I went thru with it. He has many issues like not talking to me for days and be in the same house, sleep on the couch for no reason cause I have begged him to come to bed but he says its what he has always done; he don’t like my oldest son and yes he (my oldest son) has issues but I feel being an adult you should lay down rules and not leave your house to stay with your mother for two months and then come back when the child leave. Yes I have been wrong because I do say hurtful things when I am angry but I am so tired because I have to do everything and all he does is go to work come home and go to sleep me I have to go to work clean the house cook take kids to appointments take care of the bills call if something need to be handled and all he do is complain that I don’t have any time for him or take him for a joke. I wanted to join the choir and he got mad at me for that and told me I could join the army if I wanted he didn’t care that he would go to another church. I want to get out of this mess so bad but I just don’t have the money and on top of all this we just purchased a new home and I really didn’t want to sign the papers but I was sick of my kids sleeping on the sofa. He is so controlling and I do not know what else to do can you help.
This is a hot mess. Yall gave some great advice. I hope she will listen.