By Team BLAM VIDEO: Staying Together is a web series that takes place within the film, “Let’s Stay Together,” by Joshua Bee Alafia. In Episode Two, they reflect on the effects of slavery and the lost sense of identity through middle passage trauma. They begin the inquiry of the root of our departure from strong […] 03:10:522019-01-18 15:09:09Episode 2: WebSeries Staying Together: “Looking Towards The Roots Of Fractured Families”
By Team BLAM Have you ever seen something, heard something, or gotten a glimpse of something and just knew in your gut that it was…special….that it was going to be BIG? I have and it’s happened on more than a few occasions. The last time it happened was last night when one of my FB […] 06:40:012019-01-18 15:09:07Episode 1: New WebSeries “Staying Together” Examines Black Relationships, Marriage & Family
By Team BLAM We told you about the web series executive produced by Idris Elba, titled Milk & Honey, back in May (click here to see the trailer). It was created by Brown Paper Dolls (Dana Gills, Asha Kamali May, and Jeanette McDuffie – all Chicago natives (Spelman, Howard U & FAMU grads) who started […] 08:02:412019-01-18 15:09:02VIDEO: Milk & Honey Web Show Exclusive Hosted By Idris Elba
FILM TRAILER: Hats off to filmmaker and author Dana Ross for making this film and shedding light on the reality that good, solid, strong, loving fathers do exist in our community. Ross utilized her own family history, research and interviews with hundreds of Black fathers, Educators and Historians such as Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu and Dr. […] 18:06:582019-01-18 15:07:21TRAILER: Black Fatherhood: Reconnecting With Our Legacy
By Aiyana Ma’at VIDEO: I was struck with familiar feelings as I watched this short but powerful documentary. 5 women within the African, Carribean, and South Asian diasporas spoke candidly about skin color and the toll that discrimination from within their own race has taken on them and their communities. Woooow. I could have easily […] 09:18:072019-01-18 15:07:21We MUST Put An End To Shadeism: Discrimination That Exists Between The Lighter-Skinned And Darker-Skinned Members Of The Same Community
Episode 2: WebSeries Staying Together: “Looking Towards The Roots Of Fractured Families”
/in Love & Marriage, Short Film Pick/byBy Team BLAM VIDEO: Staying Together is a web series that takes place within the film, “Let’s Stay Together,” by Joshua Bee Alafia. In Episode Two, they reflect on the effects of slavery and the lost sense of identity through middle passage trauma. They begin the inquiry of the root of our departure from strong […]
Episode 1: New WebSeries “Staying Together” Examines Black Relationships, Marriage & Family
/in Love & Marriage, Short Film Pick/byBy Team BLAM Have you ever seen something, heard something, or gotten a glimpse of something and just knew in your gut that it was…special….that it was going to be BIG? I have and it’s happened on more than a few occasions. The last time it happened was last night when one of my FB […]
VIDEO: Milk & Honey Web Show Exclusive Hosted By Idris Elba
/in From Across The Web, Short Film Pick/byBy Team BLAM We told you about the web series executive produced by Idris Elba, titled Milk & Honey, back in May (click here to see the trailer). It was created by Brown Paper Dolls (Dana Gills, Asha Kamali May, and Jeanette McDuffie – all Chicago natives (Spelman, Howard U & FAMU grads) who started […]
TRAILER: Black Fatherhood: Reconnecting With Our Legacy
/in Fatherhood, Short Film Pick/byFILM TRAILER: Hats off to filmmaker and author Dana Ross for making this film and shedding light on the reality that good, solid, strong, loving fathers do exist in our community. Ross utilized her own family history, research and interviews with hundreds of Black fathers, Educators and Historians such as Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu and Dr. […]
We MUST Put An End To Shadeism: Discrimination That Exists Between The Lighter-Skinned And Darker-Skinned Members Of The Same Community
/in From Across The Web, Short Film Pick/byBy Aiyana Ma’at VIDEO: I was struck with familiar feelings as I watched this short but powerful documentary. 5 women within the African, Carribean, and South Asian diasporas spoke candidly about skin color and the toll that discrimination from within their own race has taken on them and their communities. Woooow. I could have easily […]