Is Money More Important Than Sex In A Relationship?

Scott and Bethany Palmer

In a recent survey, 1,000 single adults ranked financial responsibility higher than physical attractiveness when considering a mate. In fact, women ranked financial responsibility in a long-term partner to be equally essential as sexual compatibility.
So how do you find a financially responsible companion?

1. Look For A Willingness To Discuss Money Matters. If the cat’s got his tongue every time you try to talk about money, he may be a dog. Look for someone not afraid to discuss the reality of finances. We use money every single day so it makes sense you would like to know their thoughts on the subject. You don’t need to grill them about their credit score, but if they are willing to talk about dollars and cents, try a few open-ended questions, like:

What kind of vacations have you taken recently?
What stresses you out when it comes to money?
If you’ve been together a bit longer, you might like to know:
Do you consistently track your savings and spending?
How do you feel about debt?
Do you invest? Would you describe yourself as conservative or aggressive?
A willingness to talk about money is a great quality in a potential mate. Open communication now means less misunderstanding and potential conflict down the road.

2. Watch For Warning Signs.

If it seems like your potential mate has an extreme approach toward spending or saving you may want to reconsider a long-term union. If he spends money without considering future consequences or avoids participation in anything requiring a financial commitment, you may be dating a personality type we call a “flyer.” They are not likely to care about consequences to their money decisions, because they believe relationships and memories trump financial responsibility. Of course, that is not all bad. But extreme spending or saving without any regard for the future may signal financial immaturity, not responsibility.
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