There’s a whole lot of speculating going on about what happened between Jay Z and Solange in that viral elevator video. As a result of the footage folks are taking a closer look at the marriage between Jay Z and Beyonce and questioning it’s projected “perfection”. Check out this video and learn what you really […] 10:05:022019-01-18 15:17:27Hey Ayize & Aiyana? What’s Going On With Jay, Beyonce, And Solange?
Is reality T.V destroying your relationship? Is your man or woman spending more time with the Real House Wives of …..? Are they soooo preoccupied with Nene, Tamar, Stevie J, and so on and so on that they’ve stopped focusing on you? Have they internalized some of the craziness that they’re seeing to such a […] 16:12:552019-01-18 15:17:26Don’t Let Reality T.V. Destroy Your Relationship
Megan and DeVon discuss newlywed bliss and what kind of marriage they want to have. They give the scoop on their plans for the next couple of years…babies and all : ) Check out the video and let us know what you think. To many their devotion to each other is inspiring. 08:23:412019-01-18 15:17:22Meagan Good And Devon Franklin Share Some Marriage Secrets
Shortly after actress Gabrielle Union and Miami Heat player Dwayne Wade announced their engagement on December 21, the soon-to-be-married couple gifted us another treat via social media — an adorable behind-the-scenes look at their family holiday card! “Happy holidays from my family to yours. Check out our full family holiday photo shoot,” Gabrielle tweeted […]
Meagan Good has been receiving some criticism from folks about the way she dresses. It’s not that tight clothes and short skirts are abnormal in today’s world….but it’s quite different/abnormal/going against the grain to see a minister’s wife dressing in a way that many would consider “too sexy” or provocatively. Do you think that she […]
00 11:17:442019-01-18 15:17:19Does Meagan Good Dress Too Provocatively To Be A Preacher’s Wife?
By Ayize Ma’at I’m not really a big Beyonce fan…but Daaaayum. When I saw this video….I had to pause for a second because the chemistry between this married couple (Bey & Jay) was hot. Based off the comments and thumbs down to this video it’s clear that many people aren’t used to seeing Beyonce be […]
00 14:15:112019-01-18 15:17:19The Chemistry Is Hot Between Beyonce And Jay In Her Video… Drunk In Love (Explicit)
We were quite impressed when we stumbled across this recent piece of news. Jay-Z and Beyonce are going vegan for 22 days. If you all have been following us for some time you know that we recently embarked on a 40 day fast. We can’t even lie…we struggled. The discipline that’s required to deny yourself […]
If you’ve ever questioned your capacity to love. If you’ve ever questioned your capacity to forgive. If you’ve ever questioned your capacity to be compassionate. If you’ve ever questioned your capacity to fight. If you’ve ever questioned your ability to overcome. If you’ve ever questioned your capacity keep pushing when you’re tired. If you’ve ever […]
00 19:08:052019-01-18 15:17:18Nelson Mandela…A Hero Gone … Who Will Never Be Forgotten
Congratulations to Monica and husband Shannon Brown on the birth of their first child. Monica and Shannon have named their baby girl, Laiyah Brown. This is the fourth child for the family. Monica has two sons from a previous relationship and Shannon has one son with his ex. 06:00:062019-01-18 15:17:14Congratulations To Shannon & Monica Brown On The Birth Of Their First Child
Newlyweds Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa recently stopped by the “Angie Martinez Show” recently and talked about their recent wedding ceremony, upcoming new projects and Wiz’s reaction to her pre-wedding twerking video. Amber said people don’t really understand how much she loves Wiz. She said she cried walking down the aisle, during the ceremony, and […] 15:45:502019-01-18 15:17:14Amber Rose Talks About Her Wedding, Her Ring, And How Much She Loves Her Husband Wiz Khalifa
Hey Ayize & Aiyana? What’s Going On With Jay, Beyonce, And Solange?
/in Black Celebrity Couples/byThere’s a whole lot of speculating going on about what happened between Jay Z and Solange in that viral elevator video. As a result of the footage folks are taking a closer look at the marriage between Jay Z and Beyonce and questioning it’s projected “perfection”. Check out this video and learn what you really […]
Don’t Let Reality T.V. Destroy Your Relationship
/in Ask The Maat's Real Questions...Real Answers, Black Celebrity Couples/byIs reality T.V destroying your relationship? Is your man or woman spending more time with the Real House Wives of …..? Are they soooo preoccupied with Nene, Tamar, Stevie J, and so on and so on that they’ve stopped focusing on you? Have they internalized some of the craziness that they’re seeing to such a […]
Meagan Good And Devon Franklin Share Some Marriage Secrets
/in Black Celebrity Couples/byMegan and DeVon discuss newlywed bliss and what kind of marriage they want to have. They give the scoop on their plans for the next couple of years…babies and all : ) Check out the video and let us know what you think. To many their devotion to each other is inspiring.
Dwayne Wade & Gabrielle Union’s Holiday Photoshoot–Behind The Scenes Video!
/in Black Celebrity Couples, Celebrity Couples/byShortly after actress Gabrielle Union and Miami Heat player Dwayne Wade announced their engagement on December 21, the soon-to-be-married couple gifted us another treat via social media — an adorable behind-the-scenes look at their family holiday card! “Happy holidays from my family to yours. Check out our full family holiday photo shoot,” Gabrielle tweeted […]
Does Meagan Good Dress Too Provocatively To Be A Preacher’s Wife?
/in Black Celebrity Couples/byMeagan Good has been receiving some criticism from folks about the way she dresses. It’s not that tight clothes and short skirts are abnormal in today’s world….but it’s quite different/abnormal/going against the grain to see a minister’s wife dressing in a way that many would consider “too sexy” or provocatively. Do you think that she […]
The Chemistry Is Hot Between Beyonce And Jay In Her Video… Drunk In Love (Explicit)
/in Black Celebrity Couples/byBy Ayize Ma’at I’m not really a big Beyonce fan…but Daaaayum. When I saw this video….I had to pause for a second because the chemistry between this married couple (Bey & Jay) was hot. Based off the comments and thumbs down to this video it’s clear that many people aren’t used to seeing Beyonce be […]
Jay -Z and Beyonce Are Going Vegan
/in Black Celebrity Couples/byWe were quite impressed when we stumbled across this recent piece of news. Jay-Z and Beyonce are going vegan for 22 days. If you all have been following us for some time you know that we recently embarked on a 40 day fast. We can’t even lie…we struggled. The discipline that’s required to deny yourself […]
Nelson Mandela…A Hero Gone … Who Will Never Be Forgotten
/in Black Celebrity Couples, From Across The Web/byIf you’ve ever questioned your capacity to love. If you’ve ever questioned your capacity to forgive. If you’ve ever questioned your capacity to be compassionate. If you’ve ever questioned your capacity to fight. If you’ve ever questioned your ability to overcome. If you’ve ever questioned your capacity keep pushing when you’re tired. If you’ve ever […]
Congratulations To Shannon & Monica Brown On The Birth Of Their First Child
/in Black Celebrity Couples/byCongratulations to Monica and husband Shannon Brown on the birth of their first child. Monica and Shannon have named their baby girl, Laiyah Brown. This is the fourth child for the family. Monica has two sons from a previous relationship and Shannon has one son with his ex.
Amber Rose Talks About Her Wedding, Her Ring, And How Much She Loves Her Husband Wiz Khalifa
/in Black Celebrity Couples/byNewlyweds Amber Rose and Wiz Khalifa recently stopped by the “Angie Martinez Show” recently and talked about their recent wedding ceremony, upcoming new projects and Wiz’s reaction to her pre-wedding twerking video. Amber said people don’t really understand how much she loves Wiz. She said she cried walking down the aisle, during the ceremony, and […]