Letters To My Daughters – Part 2: Health
By Neysa Ellery Taylor
4 – Get your wellness check ups. With the way insurance rates are rising and personal budgets are declining, lots of people stop going to get wellness visits with their doctor. Go at least once a year for a check up. See where you are on the medical tests. Discuss your family history with your doctor. Set a health goal and go for it! Knowledge is power especially when it comes to your health.
5 – Wear your retainer. Wear your retainer. Wear your retainer. Why? Because your dad and I did not wear our retainer and our teeth are shifting. And who wants braces twice in a lifetime? No one! So after your braces come off, please wear your retainer faithfully.
6 – Trust yourself. If you feel that something is wrong with your body, trust yourself. Seek answers. Don’t let doctors give you a just any old diagnoses. Remember my tummy? I never would have gotten any relief if I didn’t push the doctor for more. You know your body. Trust yourself when it comes to your body.
7 – Eat to live. Try to eat more veggies and fruit than everything else. Don’t waste your time eating crap. Eat items that you love (Asyen – cheesecake, Maya – chips) in moderation.
Ok, so this is just 7 tips for heath. Here is a disclaimer: I get to add more as I see fit. (But you knew that was coming, right?)
Love you more everyday!
Neysa Ellery Taylor is an integral part of the writing team here at Blackloveandmarriage.com. She lives in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband, Chris, and their 4 children – Asyen, Maya, Preston, and Patrick. An Emmy-Award winning journalist, she hopes to share her passion for marriage and God through her writing. You can read more of her work atMyriadthatisme.blogspot.com