Pain Personified! Where Is The Cry In You?
By Ayize Ma’at
Where is the cry in you? The below video is known around the web as “The Best Cry Ever”. It includes Rocky Lockridge and his son who has not seen him in 15 years. SNL has spoofed it, you tubers have remixed it, and many people are sharing it via a wide array social media platforms in an attempt to get a belly aching laugh. Is it funny?….Maybe, especially if you isolate the content from it’s context. Is it enlightening?…Definitely, especially if you allow yourself to be emotionally present and place the clip in it’s proper context. This clip left an impression on me and led me to sit still and appreciate the magnitude of the moment. What I saw in this video and what I know from doing the work of counseling/coaching individual and couples is that:
1. It takes courage to be vulnerable and emote.
2. The words I Love You are an empowering affirmation.
3. Forgiveness is the pathway to healing.
4. We are all emotionally fragile….some mask it better than others.
5. It hurts to change…but it hurts even more to stay the same.
Rocky Lockridge is not alone in his experience. Pain is not exclusively reserved for him. We all have it in us. Identify it. Get to know it. Accept it…..Where is the cry in you?
Rocky Lockridge (born January 30, 1959) is a former boxing champion who was discovered by Muhammad Ali. As a professional, he is best known for handing Roger Mayweather his first defeat—a first-round knockout after just 98 seconds—earning him the WBA super featherweight championship. Rocky is still called “the champ” by locals. But the success, pressure, and excesses of the boxing lifestyle proved too much for him, and he turned to drugs and alcohol. He lost everything–his marriage, his sons, his wealth, and his title. Now homeless and addicted to crack, Rocky needs to fight for something far more important than boxing glory–he needs to fight for his life.
wow, that cry came from his soul…like he was waiting to hear that his whole life!
Thank you for the context. I'll be praying for this brother.