Samuel L. Jackson Reads “Go The F**K To Sleep”
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VIDEO *WARNING* If you are hypersensitive about curse words you may not want to watch this video.
It’s Thursday night. We’re sitting here contemplating about whether we should put this post on our site because the language is a bit abrasive and many a folk may be offended by it. But then….
– Our 3 year old gets out the bed and says “Baba (means daddy in swahili)…I’m pulling on my finger and it hurts” Baba says…”Stop pulling on it”… 3 year old says “OK”
– Our 5 year old gets out the bed 5 minutes later and say “Mommy….my eye hurts.” Mommy says…”O.k baby…close your eye and go to sleep”. 5 year old says “ok”.
– Our 9 year old gets out the bed 1 minute later and says “Mom…I need some toilet paper”. Mom says “Did you look in the bathroom?” 9 year old says “no”. Mom says “ might want to do that.” 9 year old says “o.k”
– Our 3 year old gets back out the bed 30 seconds later and says “Baba ….Baba….Baba…Baba”. He keeps saying Baba because Baba is intentionally ignoring him..LOL. Finally, Baba gets up and 3 year old says “you didn’t get me a bike yesterday”. Baba says “Get back in the bed.” 3 year old says “o.k”
– Our 5 year old gets out the bed 4 minutes later and says “Baba my finger hurts.” Baba says “Get back in the bed.” 5 year old says “ok”
– 6 year old and 5 year old get out the bed 9 minutes later and say “Mommy…we can’t go to sleep”……
And it’s at that point that we look at each other convinced that we’ve got confirmation that doing this post is the right thing…..because in our gut both of us were feeling that our children need to get back in the bed, be quiet, and GO THE F**K TO SLEEP!
For those of yall that are a part of the BLAM Fam that have children, we know you can identify with this feeling. Question…could you ever see yourself reading this “children’s book” to your child as a bed time story? Let us know what you think.
I don’t have kids yet but this will be a staple in their play room, right next to the childrens book I am gonna write….. I am gonna call it “Sit the f*ck down!”
Extra hilarious!! LMAO… so can relate! Wouldn't go this far but I have out of extreme frustration said, " take yo ass to sleep!" a time or two!
I LAUGHED OUT LOUD LITERALLY! I felt like someone was looking at my life and wrote a book! Glad its not just me! I can identify with so much of the book especially about the bear and the hearing any noise and waking up! Lord help us all….. "GO The Fuck to sleep!" LOL
I think it's hilarious I got it for my brother as his Father's Day gift. It's marketed as an adult bedtime story and while I can't see reading it to my minis I can totally see reading it with the hubby in bed, lol.
I wouldn't read it as a bedtime story, but this is hilarious! It's nice to see that I'm not the only one being driven to the edge at bedtime.
No, Can't Imagine reading this book to a child…Somethings are better left unsaid, you can think it just can't say it. You and your mate will probably crack up laughing when you talk about it later.
My friend sent me this link on Facebook and I died!!!! Lol! Had to share it with my a couple of my co-workers. We were about to pee on ourselves cause we were laughing so hard and from just looking around I am LOVING your site! This is so needed. Real people who have a real relationship and are real parents and are teaching some real stuff. I've learned so much already! I love that you all have knowledge but aren't stuffy or fake. 🙂 Meet your new fan!
OMG!!!!!! ROFL!!!!!! This is sooo funny! The things we WISH we could say! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
This was hilarious!!!!! Boy can I identify. lls