A Couple of Classic Throw Back “Cosby Show” Clips To Crack You Up!

What follows is a couple of classic throw back “Cosby Show” clips to remind us of how important family is and give you some friday warm and fuzzies along with a good laugh to top it all off. Enjoy!

Huxtable Family Happy Anniversary Performance

The Huxtable family teams up to show their love and celebrate their grandparents’ 49th anniversary with a lip-sync rendition of Ray Charles’ classic, “Night Time Is The Right Time”. We think Rudy is absolutely hilarious!

Claire Huxtable lets Elvin (Sandra’s boyfriend) have it!

Claire asks Elvin if he would like a cup of coffee and Elvin replies “I didn’t know you did that kind of thing”.  Claire asks “What kind of thing?” to which Elvin replies “Serve”. Well, what happens next….don’t let us ruin it—have a listen.

Video Content Courtesy of Carsey Werner, LLC.