Why Our Blog Is NOT Our Business

By Aiyana Ma’at

Okay, so unless you’re visiting our site for the first time, most of you know what me and my husband do— we are Life & Relationship Coaches that focus on helping folks to push past themselves and press through some of the hardest issues that life puts on your path. We’re all about growing your insight , your mind & your relationships. We do classes, counseling, small groups, big groups, workshops, keynote presentations, retreats—-if it has anything to do with personal development or relationship education—we’ve done it, are doing it, or are getting ready to. We’ve helped folks with chronic cheating, co-dependent relationships, baby mama drama, low self esteem, narcissistic tendencies, domestic violence, horrible communication, self-defeating patterns…..I could go on and on. The bottom line is THIS IS THE WORK THAT WE DO. Just name it and we can analyze it, assess it, diagnose it, create a plan to help you deal with it, provide you with the skills required to navigate it—and do it all with our eyes closed. Bottom line: I’m built for this & so is my husband. THIS IS THE WORK THAT WE DO. Some of you may be thinking “Ugh, How arrogant!”.  I like to call it Clarity of  our Individual & Collective Purpose and Utmost Confidence in the Creator who knew what He was doing when He gave us our gifts while we were still in our Mama’s belly’s and then brought us together to manifest and reflect His greatness.

What’s amazing to me is that with all that we do there is one question that we get asked almost as much as the

BLAM Announces “Our Stage. Your Shine. Shout Out The Ones You Love & Respect!”

Are there folks in your life who you have mad  love and respect for and just don’t get a chance to let them know like you’d really like? Maybe, it’s your special someone–your hubby or wife or girlfriend or boyfriend who are there for you through thick and thin. Perhaps, it’s your parents who have been the best example of love and sacrifice that you’ve ever seen. Maybe it’s your single parent cousin who’s been holding it down like no other. Maybe, it’s a letter of apology to someone because you really need to say sorry about what you did. Or, maybe it’s your nephew who despite all odds has managed to stay focused on his goals—no matter who and no matter for what—–HERE’S YOUR CHANCE TO SHOUT OUT THE ONES YOU LOVE & RESPECT! And, it’s so simple too!


  • SUBMIT your shout out to us in written or video form and make sure you’re writing or talking as if you’re speaking directly to the person you’re shouting out.
  • SUBMIT a picture of the person being shouted out or better yet a picture of you with them.
  • Next, you will receive a response notifying you of when your Shout Out will be featured.

We look forward to all of the love that will be flowing from all of us as we SHOUT OUT THE ONES WE LOVE AND RESPECT. Remember, you should never underestimate the  power of APPRECIATION & VALIDATION.

Florida Woman Desperate For Help. Turns To Craigslist For Kidney

Run this story today and give credit to the Grio. Make sure you include a link to her email like they did too


3 Tips To Help Your Spouse Put Down Addiction And Pick Up Their Life

by Dani Taylor

Often times, marriage can be a difficult road. While most of us don’t expect it to be perfect all the time, there are times when it is downright painful. For instance, if you’re dealing with an alcoholic or drug addicted spouse – it can be one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to deal with.

Here are some important tips for dealing with an alcoholic or drug addicted spouse.

Don’t Enable Your Spouse by Making Excuses

One of the worst things we can do is make excuses for our spouses because we don’t want to accept the real truth. You might say, ‘He’s stressed out right now and the alcohol allows him to relax and calm down.’ You might even go as far as saying, ‘She’s not hurting anyone with her drug usage, so what’s the big deal?’ The truth is that spouses do this all too often. If you’re making excuses for your addicted spouse, stop now.

The truth is that your addicted spouse probably is hurting someone – including you, them and your marriage. If you have children, it’s even worse. In fact, you could be allowing your children to live in danger. No one wants to hurt their spouse or alienate them, but enabling them could be tragic. Step back and take a hard look at the situation. Refuse to make excuses for your spouse any longer.

Get Help for Your Spouse and Yourself

The second step is to get help. Chances are, you’re not going to be able to help your spouse alone. There are many, many resources for individuals who are suffering with addictions as well as their spouses. Being around others who have overcome drug addictions or who are working on it can really help your spouse find the inspiration to get through this. You may want to convince your spouse to start a 12 step program or something similar. If you’re unable to convince your spouse to get help, turn up the heat. Issue an ultimatum by saying that they volunteer to get help or you will call the police, leave, etc. By issuing an ultimatum like this, you could be saving your spouse’s life.

Be Supportive

Although sometimes this kind of situation requires a lot of tough love, it’s essential for you to support your spouse at this time. Overcoming a drug or alcohol addiction is not easy at all. Without your support, your spouse could easily relapse, wonder why they should even try or become discouraged. Remind them of the great things in your life and how much you love them. This will be the fuel they need to get through this and come out the other side as a clean and sober person.

Dealing with an alcohol or drug addicted spouse is very painful and difficult. Don’t neglect yourself at this time! Find support so you can stay strong enough to help your spouse get through this. By using the tips and suggestions above, you can help your spouse overcome their addiction and restore happiness and peace to your family and marriage.

Danielle L. Taylor is a freelance writer and mom of 3, who’s gone through a devastating divorce with her husband of 15 years (after his infidelity) and was able to get back on track as a strong, happy and free person.

BLAM’s HOT TOPICS For Today 7/6/11

Stay up to speed with the current events of the day. Check out BLAM’s HOT TOPICS as it relates to the black experience and beyond. Updated throughout the day!


Based on preliminary reports it appears that not only will children do anything to get over but…ADULTS WILL TOO.  Atlanta public schools are rocked today by reports that PRINCIPALS and TEACHERS have been cheating by inflating the results of standardized test scores.  Click HERE to read the full article from AOL Huffington Post.


This is a question that many black folks will be talking about in the barbershop and the beauty salons.  Whether it’s in the back of your mind or on the tip of your tongue the overwhelming majority of people thought WTH when Casey Anthony’s verdict was announced.  It’s not that we’re so invested in her case….but I think more than anything we want justice to be served…especially when the death of a child is involved.   What if she were black…..would she be found guilty?  Click HERE to read the full article from THE GRIO.


When I first read this I immediately thought …..”it figures”.  You see Autum Ashante got a lot of shine last week in the blogosphere when her acceptance was announced.  We actually did a post on our site about it and included in that post a “controversial” poem she did back in 2006.  I wonder if any of what she did or said in the past had an impact on UCONN’s decision to rescind her acceptance.  I mean if she’s accepted she’s accepted….right?  Something smells fishy.  Check out the full article from AOL BlackVoices


After sitting and watching a couple of episodes of Basketball Wives with Aiyana…I had to ask her…”Do Black Women really act like this?”  I mean really?  While some of it was comical..the great majority of it was flat out embarrassing.  Check out THE URBAN DAILY and see why Shaunie doesn’t feel the show is a negative representation of black women.


For all the social media folks check out the live thread of President Obama holding a town hall meeting on twitter.  This is pretty tight. CLICK HERE to view the twitter feed.


“Surrendered! The Rise, Fall and Revelation of Kwame Kilpatrick” Is the true tale of his saga, according to Kwame. While he takes responsibility for an affair with an aide and lies told during a civil trial, he also blames plenty of others for his downfall. Check out HuffingtonPost.com for more on this story.

top 10 aphrodisiacs (food)


could reproduce this article with the pictures and all…..i wouldn’t include all of the description for each aphrodisiac….modify/edit.

Intimacy To Men & Women = Two Different Things

By Team BLAM  pg. 76 in purple book

Many people have concluded that men are less interested in intimacy

Vote & Help The Ma’at Children Win Mom An HGTV Momcation!

Hey BLAM Fam,

Have you heard? HGTV is giving a lucky Mom and her family a dream vacation to any place of their choice! The chosen family will get to relax and unwind for a week and be filmed for HGTV at the same time. Sounds fun, right? So, we’re entering–and guess what? The deadline for all voting is 5PM EST today! Can you believe it? We’re all last minute–but better late than never! We and the kids had a blast recording our video submission for the contest and hope we win!

But, you can help us out by VOTING FOR US!!! PLEEEEEEEASE



THANKS!!! Last we checked the most viewed video we saw had 247 views and 135 votes. I know we can do better than that ya’ll can’t we?! I Believe! I Believe! Lol! Please post on your FB walls and tweet away if you would be so kind.

Much Love & Respect!

Ayize, Aiyana, and the Ma’at Crew!

Entitled To Boomerang Back Home

By Paul Peixoto

Today’s twentysomethings seem to be living in a dichotomy; they possess a “master of the universe” mentality while they are unable to get on with their lives. Because of this twentysomethings are boomeranging back home to live with parents in large numbers. Once safe in the cocoon they often have a tough time figuring out how to regain their independence and pursue their dreams.

One of the culprits helping to create this trend is the strong philosophy of entitlement that many twentysomethings have. A philosophy of entitlement is one that leads you to believe that you have the right to something; in this case a job or a lifestyle. This philosophy creates certain attitudes and behaviors.

It should be of no surprise to us of the baby boom generation that we have played a part in helping them develop this entitlement mindset. We are the “me generation”– the ones who invented entitlement! Add to that the fact that we wanted to see our kids grow up with every possible advantage, so we piled them on: the best schools, best equipment, after-school lessons, every technical gadget, and more. They lacked for nothing in most cases and grew up with all the benefits that a lifestyle of abundance brings. But, although they’ve been raised with complete access to the benefits of a successful life, they have not been shown with equal passion how to earn those benefits for themselves.

As they head out into the world after high school or college many of them confront real life for the first time and find that they don’t possess the skills necessary to tackle all that life throws at them. “It all looked so easy for my parents.” “How come it’s taking me so long to succeed at anything?” “What’s gone wrong?” These are often the thoughts of a pre-boomerang kid.

Now, there are times when boomeranging is appropriate. Times are tough for this generation. Starting out on your own seems to get harder and harder with each passing year. Financing an apartment these days is a tremendous task, and many feel they need to acquire a master’s degree just to stay competitive; but let’s not put out the welcome mat so fast. If we are going to be any kind of help we’ve got to think through the situation ourselves, analyze what’s going on, and make changes appropriate for each person.

Take, for example, some external elements at work in this process. Some of those are: the speed of life, the desire for instant gratification, and the mass media. All three have robbed twentysomethings of any sense that it will take some effort to achieve success.

This generation has grown up with the Internet. It’s not “technology,” to them. The speed with which they get answers to their questions is virtually the speed of light. You and I had to make a trip to the library, search through a few card catalogues, find two or three books that may answer our question, and then do some research. Today, we Google it!

Another element that has contributed to their entitlement attitude is the desire for instant gratification. We as parents, and the Internet, have played a part in this. This generation has simply not learned patience or perseverance. They don’t know how to wait. We’ve told them throughout their childhood that they can be anything they want to be, without telling them that it’s going to take some effort to get there.

The media have also played a part in contributing to the desire for instant gratification. Twentysomethings are constantly bombarded with the idea that they can make it, and make it fast, without all the hassle of persevering and struggling to succeed. Look at the current Number One TV show: American Idol. The message here is that you no longer need years of working your way up the ladder of success to be a star. You can be one within a TV season. From unknown to superstar in a matter of weeks! It’s no surprise that when our twentysomethings spend a few months on a job without any advancement they give up easily and look for something else; they are seeking that same instant success. They’ll never know if that was the job for them simply because they didn’t give it enough time. Thomas Edison said, “Many of life’s failures are men who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” How often have we seen our kids give up, wondering if they would have succeeded had they just persevered a bit longer.

Even with all this working against us, getting this generation up and on their feet is doable. The key is to teach them perseverance and focus; perseverance through the tough times and focus on the goal. New patterns of thinking need to replace old entitlement ideas. A de-tuning of the media and a focus on their unique passions and skills will bring clarity and purpose. Most of all, being the mentors we were meant to be and not their saviors will encourage them to fulfill their dreams and visions.

Paul Peixoto is president and founder of The Serra Group, Inc., a professional development training company headquartered in the New York metropolitan area. He has 25 years of experience as a professional speaker and coach.