Last Chance To Sign Up For Online Relationship Classes! Registration Closes Friday 4/15.

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Who’s this class for?

Couples who are dating, engaged, or married and in a committed relationship. If you’re not in a relationship you need our Singles class.

What do I need?

A computer (and a webcam if you’d like, that’s up to you.) That’s it! Other than that just sit back, relax, and learn from the comfort of your home.

What if my partner doesn’t want to participate?

Trust us. You can join the class by yourself and learn and get what you need to learn and get.

What’s the cost?

The cost is $99.99 per couple.


*Why you matter and how to make sure you are clear about what your unique needs are. Are your needs being met? Why or why not? Learn why self-examination is the first key to any good relationship.

*Learn how gender differences impact how we see and approach just about everything in a relationship.

*Learn why Committed Relationships are for Grown Folks and how to get out of the Selfish Space & Fight For Oneness.

*”I Scream, You Shout!”: Learn how to get to the real issues, real dialogue, and real understanding.

*Are you In it to Win it? Learn how to maintain your commitment through the test of time.

How It Works:

Couples come together weekly to share, learn, grow, and elevate themselves & their relationships to the next level. But, instead of fighting traffic, arranging childcare, and wearing yourself out to make it on time—you will sit back, relax, and do it from the comfort of your own home. Don’t you just love it?  All classes are Eastern Standard Time.

Why participate in a Couples Class?

Anything worth having is worth working at. When one thinks of world-renowned athletes such as Kobe Bryant or Tiger Woods, we think of how good their game is. What we don’t see are the hours of practice they put into perfecting their game. Why should you or your relationship be any different? You get out what you put in.

Begin your journey with other couples determined to elevate themselves and their partners!






Jerks, losers, men and women who ain’t about nothing…call them whatever you want—we will show you how to avoid them and find “the one” that’s right for you. This class will help you break destructive dating patterns that have kept you from finding the love you deserve.

Who’s this class for?

Single people as in not in a relationship. If you’re in a relationship you need our couples class.

What do I need?

A computer (and a webcam if you’d like, that’s up to you. Webcams range from $10-$20) That’s it! Other than that just sit back, relax, and learn from the comfort of your home.

Learn to:

*Ask the right questions to inspire meaningful, revealing conversations with your partner.

*Judge character based on compatibility, relationship skills, friends, and patterns from family and previous relationships.

*Resolve your own emotional baggage so you’re ready for a healthy relationship.


The cost is 99.99 per single.

How It Works:

Singles come together weekly to share, learn, grow, and elevate themselves & their “relationships to be” to the next level. But, instead of fighting traffic, arranging childcare, and wearing yourself out to make it on time—you will sit back, relax, and do it from the comfort of your own home. Don’t you just love it?

Why participate in a Singles Class?

Anything worth having is worth working at. When one thinks of world-renowned athletes such as Kobe Bryant or Tiger Woods, we think of how good their game is. What we don’t see are the hours of practice they put into perfecting their game. Why should you, your relationship or “relationship to be” be any different? You get out what you put in.


Begin your journey with other singles determined to pick a partner who’s right for them!

Ayize & Aiyana Ma’at Featured In District Of Columbia’s “Afro” Newspaper

More often than not, when black people or our community as a whole find themselves in the press its either negative, negative or….did I say negative? Ayize & I are grateful and do no take for granted when we are a part of anything that allows us to help uplift the images, dialogue, or perspective of and about African Americans in this country.

Have a read of this positive article in Washington D.C.’s Afro newspaper about Black Marriage Day 2011.

Make $$$ By Helping Us Heal Broken Hearts (and make happy hearts even happier too)

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Here’s an opportunity for you to show some love and share the love that we over here at are spreading. We’ve created a way for you to make some money and receive a referral fee if you send someone to take our online relationship classes. If you are interested…email us at This thing is bigger than us yall. We are looking to help heal some broken hearts and put relationships back on the right track. Spread the word!

Ma’at Family Toasts To 1 Year Of Black Love &

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VIDEO: There’s a whirlwind of activity over here at BLAM but we can’t get so caught up in busting our tails that we forget to take time out to say Yay!!!!! We are celebrating one year since we formally took what we do to the next level and entered the online world. This year has been nothing short of miraculous and I am in awe of what the Creator can do when you allow yourself to be the Universe’s best expression!  So,we want to send a very intentional huge thank you to each of you who have helped us get to this point and always have an encouraging word or a new perspective for us to consider. We are thankful for you all. Let’s keep pushing together and don’t foget to check out our newest endeavor

Love Ya’ll!

Ayize & Aiyana

Celebrate Black Marriage Day In Washington, DC With Us!

Black Marriage Day is 3 days away! Will you be celebrating? You certainly should be! Healthy relationships & marriages used to be and can be yet again the backbone of our community. If you are in the Washington,DC Metropolitan area come join us in celebrating this very special day! The Marriage First Project has so graciously asked Ayize & I to emcee/host the Black Marriage Day event in the Washington, DC area. Whatever you do, find an event and celebrate!!!

In the DC Metro Area? Join us!


  • WHEN: Sunday, March 27, 2011

  • TIME: 3-6 PM

  • WHERE: Greater Mount Calvary Holy Church, Kristel Room 610 Rhode Island Ave. NE Washington, DC 20002

Dinner & a Movie

Screening of New Film “Men Ain’t Boys”

Vow Renewal Ceremony

Honoring DC parents married after October 2008

FREE ~ Limited Seating ~ RSVP by March 25

Email Diane Sims-Moore at or call 202-450-5023

To learn more about Black Marriage Day, CLICK HERE.

Pass It On! Online Relationship Class Free Info Call Is TONIGHT!

In case you haven’t heard Black Love and is in the middle of one of the most significant launches the world wide web has ever seen. We are taking what we do (bringing self-awareness and insight to people and their relationships) and going virtual! Yippeee!! We can not begin to tell you how dag on excited we are over here! To find out exactly how these classes for couples & singles will go—-all on the internet—-join us tonight 3/22 at 9PM to get more info & ask questions about our upcoming Couples & Singles classes. Dial In #:270-400-1500. Access Code:5894131 Ask questions & be a part of the conversation on Twitter. Tweet about it! #BLAMLoveCall

Talk to you tonight! 😉

Countdown To Highly Anticipated “Men Ain’t Boys” DC Film Premiere Has Begun

Are you ready? Do you have your tickets? If not, you need to get them ASAP. The much talked about film Men Ain’t Boys is coming to Washington, DC March 24th 8pm sharp. We can’t wait over here at BLAM! It’s always exciting to see history in the making. It’s even better to be a part of it. March 24th at 8pm sharp—Where will you be? We hope you’ll be up in the house with us ready to watch something worth supporting. Come out and support this worthy work and meet the producers! Check out the trailer below & GET YOUR TICKETS!Not in the DC, Md, or Va area? Find screenings near you HERE. Pre-Order your personal copy HERE.

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Film synopsis: At a time when African American men are often depicted poorly throughout mainstream media Tyler New Media breaks that trend with Men Ain’t Boys. The film offers a thought provoking look at issues such as stereotypes surrounding manhood, the results of effective fatherhood and the requirements for maintaining lasting love, relationships and marriages. Men Ain’t Boys provides a blueprint for men, women and children to learn how real men live and how real men love.

Ayize & Aiyana Ma’at Featured On AOL

O.K., so we’re a little tickled and very grateful to Dr. Boyce Watkins for featuring us on AOL Black Voices and lifting up the work that we do.  It is truly an honor to be publicly recognized for contributing substance and sustenance to our community nationwide that is starving for answers and examples on how to move through “sticky” relationship stuff.  The work we do with singles and couples is real.  It’s pretty.  It’s ugly.  It’s exciting.  It’s tiring. As a community we got issues, for sure. But, wherever there is hope there can be healing.

Helping folks with their relationships definitely has it’s advantages.  It brings a smile to our faces everytime someone says thank you for the positive deposit we’ve made into the life of their relationship.  We recognize and fully appreciate the fact that the work that we do is bigger than us, it’s really about bringing healing and awareness to our family and in our community.

At the same time we wouldn’t be keeping it real if we weren’t truthful about how taxing this work can be.  Running a business, taking care of our family, making sure we continue to strengthen our own relationship, and trying to be as accessible as possible to folks can take its’ toll at times. Juggling it all is not easy….but it is necessary and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

We just wanna give a big ol’ shout out and thanks to the Creator and all of you for giving us the privilege of sharing what we’ve learned and continue to learn.  It is with a spirit of immense gratitude that we continue pressing forward and encourage you to do the same.  We frequently emphasize that relationships are the most important thing in the world.  As we continue to work on ours we challenge you to do the same. Each One. Teach One. Stop Playing. Start Pushing. 😉 To read the article where we are featured click below.


How Money Can Make Your Marriage Mo’ Better

Do you remember in the 1970’s when the O.J.’s soulfully sang “Money, Money, Money, Money…MONEEEEEEY….Some people got to have it….Some people really need it”?  Well…we don’t….because we were born in the late 70’s….however the gritty message leaping from the lyrics of that trak began ringing loudly in my ear as we began building our family in 2001.  As most young couples experience….we began our marriage clueless of the complexity of managing money and marriage.  We thought.. if I can manage mine and she can manage hers,  then we can manage ours……Wrong.  We learned real quick and continue to learn that you got to B Intentional when it comes to money and marriage.  Check out this article  from Black which highlights tips from the highly acclaimed book Spousonomics.

Taken From Black

You’re probably wondering: what does the hard, analytical world of economics have to do with the passionate merger commonly known as marriage? Well, according to The Wall Street Journal editor Paula Szuchman and New York Times reporter Jenny Anderson, a whole lot. In fact, both are convinced married couples can improve their relationship and quell any dispute by following the rules of economics, as detailed in their latest book, Spousonomics: Using Economics to Master Love, Marriage and Dirty Dishes. “Economics is the study of the allocation of scarce resources and there is nothing, sort of, more prominent in marriages today than tension over how to allocate our time, energy, love and libido,” says Anderson. “Those are the issues couples fight about.” Here are 10 easy-to-follow business pointers on strengthening your marriage as soon as you say, ‘I do.

Spouses are Not Just Lifelong Companions But Business Partners As Well:

The authors say you should view your husband or wife as your business partner in addition to your lifelong companion. You’re working together not only for the good of the marriage, but as trading partners who exchange services. It’s the best of both worlds if done right.

Implement Division of Labor:

In a perfect world dividing every task up 50/50 is ideal, however, that “solution” doesn’t always work and negates specialization—completing tasks you do best in relation to other tasks. If you’re good at getting the kids up in the morning, then you should do that each morning versus switching with your partner every other day. You’re utilizing one’s talents in the best possible way and maximizing everyone’s time. Hence, the time saved can be used to complete other pending tasks or more leisure time.

Find the Right Incentives:

Forty-nine percent of the 200 people assessed during Szuchman and Anderson’s Exhaustive, Groundbreaking, and Very Expensive Survey admitted to using incentives to get their spouses to do things they couldn’t otherwise get them to do. A word to the wise: in marriage, thoughtful gestures far outweigh material ones. Save the signature blue Tiffany box for a special occasion.

Access the Trade-Offs:

Ask yourself: is it worth it in the long run? What will be the ultimate cost and benefit? For example, if you’re invited by your co-workers to get drinks after work, but you know it’s your night to cook dinner, you’ll have to decide the cost-benefit of the situation. Benefits: a few drinks, great conversation and a night out on the town. Costs: an upset wife/husband, a $75 tab and loss of personal time with the kids.

Sex—Supply and Demand:

According to the authors, the more it costs to have sex, the less it will happen. Like any product, you wind up raising the cost and lowering the demand. Here’s a quick solution: Keep it simple. Don’t make a big deal of going to expensive dinners and outings if you don’t have the money, sometimes a quiet meal at home while the kids are with their grandparents can be just as romantic—and cost effective.

Beware of Moral Hazard:

Some forms of moral hazard—acting less carefully or, at times, irresponsibly—are acceptable, while others should draw immediate red flags. According to the survey, 56% of married people said they put on weight after walking down the aisle. Meanwhile, 46% said they’re a little less affectionate with their loved one, with the most common excuse being they’re “too busy.” Be sure to take care of your appearance as well as maintaining the warmth in your relationship. Keep it new, yet simple!

Practice Optimal Reporting:

Yes, you might want your spouse to complete several tasks on the weekly to-do list, but make sure to prioritize those requests. If you know you want to see the bathroom sink and door get fixed, don’t nag your spouse about the entire list rather centralize your concerns.

Weigh Your Intertemporal Choices:

An intertemporal choice refers to an individual’s current decisions and how it affects their future options. Think carefully about the financial and day-to-day decisions you make and how those choices can play out in the long run. For example, it may seem like time is on your side, but choosing to invest at an early age is a smart, power move.

CLICK HERE for the full article