7 Secrets Of A Satisfying Marriage

By David Valencia

An Ideal marriage has:

~ Harmony


~One Mind

But the reality is that most marriages have:




People say:  “I feel cheated “.  “I started with an ideal and in a few months or years it turned into an ordeal.  Then I

began to wish or look for a new deal.”

What happened? Good marriages don’t just happen.  Good marriages take:

Energy and Effort

The “good news” is that you don’t have to change your life completely in order to make your marriage better.

Actually, minor changes will bring major changes. So, what does it take to have a satisfying marriage?

1.  It takes…  Communication.

The  average couple today spends 4 minutes a day in meaningful conversation,
a total of 28 minutes a week!

But, people spend 46 hours watching television each week.

Without learning to communicate and making time to listen to each other,
there will not be any progress in the relationship.

Added to that, we know that men and women communicate differently.

So many people assume that their mate thinks as they do….They don’t!!!

Think of what you think….then consider the opposite.
Your mate’s language, needs, desires are different.

Never say:  ” You shouldn’t feel that way!   When you do, you devalue your mate’s feelings.
When you devalue their feelings, they will immediately shut down and any open lines of
communication will shut down as well.

2.  It takes… Consideration.

But How?

Start by paying close attention to what your mate says when they are talking to you.

Became aware and regularly ask things like:

How do you feel?

May I help you?

I would love doing that for you!

Bring the groceries in for her.

Wait until both of her legs are in the car before you take off!!!

Find out in how many ways you could make his/her life easier.

Think about these 5 funny yet very real stages in a marriage:

First Year:  “Baby darling, I am worried about that sniffle you have and I’ve called the Doctor to see you immediately.  After that I want you to take a break and rest here at home and I will be preparing your favorite meals for dinner for the whole week!

Second Year:  ” Sweet heart, I don’t like the sound of that cough and I have arranged for Dr. Johnson to see you tomorrow and right now let me tuck in bed.”

Third Year:  ” You look like you have a fever. Why don’t you drive yourself to the pharmacy and get some medicine. I’ll watch the kids.”

Fourth Year:  ” Look, be sensible, after you feed and bathe the kids and wash the dishes  you ought to go to bed.”

Fifth Year:  ” For Pete’s sake, do you have to cough that loud? I can’t even hear the TV.  Would you mind going to the other room while this show is on? You sound like a barking dog.”

Don’t be afraid to evaluate yourself.

Am I considerate only when I am in a good mood?

Do I readily help my mate when she or he asks?

Do I look for creative ways to lighten his or her load?

3.  It takes…  Compromise.

The wedding day…” First you walk down the isle, then you come to the altar,
then you hear the hymn, and now it’s time to alter him”

The minister asks: Will you? One says, ” I do”…while the other is thinking: ” I’ll re-do”

Every marriage has problems.
No matter who you are, you will disagree.
When two people agree in everything, one of them is not necessary.
The greater the differences, the more potential is there to grow.
Your mate is the greatest tool you have available to become more mature.

You have to learn to compromise!

Here is a list of examples:

1.  What about vacations?  Go to 30 places in 10 days? Or stay in one place?
2.  One wants to plan everything in advance and the other wants to get in the car and leave.
3.  How are you going to raise the kids?
4.  How are you going to spend money?

Some of you are morning people.
Some of you are night people.

What about sex?   One is saying: Drop everything!
While the other says: Drop dead!

More marriages die because of inflexibility and an unwillingness to change
than they do for alcoholism, abuse, infidelity.

What is the big problem?
Your unwillingness to change!

Don’t be afraid to evaluate yourself and make some changes.

I can be stubborn and unwilling to compromise.
We have to talk about the issues on which we disagree.
We need to stay with the issue until we compromise.
Both of us must commit to go the extra mile for each other and our marriage.

4.  It takes…  Courtship

A satisfying marriage has:

~Physical affection
~They enjoy each other

” If there was more courting in marriage, there would be fewer marriages in court.”

The Problem:   The things you did at the beginning of your courtship, you stopped doing.
Now you see each other at the worst part of the day when energies have been used.

Don’t just share the chores but share the joys and the things you have in common.

You say: ” We have nothing in common!” Well, then I ask you: What do you think attracted you
to her in the first place?

Someone said: ” Opposites attack and then opposites attack.”

Don’t be afraid to evaluate yourself.

1.  Is courtship non-existent?
2.  Do you still write love notes?
3.  Do we schedule a date regularly?

5.  It takes…Confrontation

Question: Do you openly bring up your mate’s liabilities privately or publicly?
Please do it only privately!!!

Kindly, if necessary, point out things in your mate that need to change to make the relationship better.

” As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.”

” An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips.”

6.  It takes…Commitment

Your marriage is what you make it to be!

Remember that you married someone who was willing to put up with you!

Your # 1 enemy is your selfishness, so, do you do what is best for you or what’s best for your mate?
Your answer will tell you what king of a commitment you have.

The secret for your marriage is how much are you willing to sacrifice your rights and serve your mate.

Where is the grass greener?… where you water it!

Most marriages get stuck in:
Comparing and complaining – and all the energies are used doing so.

” Your commitment is shown by how willing you are to be unhappy until you both work it out”

Here is a Success Tip: ” How do you get to change your mate?…by changing yourself.”

Don’t be afraid to evaluate  yourself.

Are you toying with divorce?
Are you using divorce as a threat?
Is divorce not an option for you?

7. It takes… God

Morning prayer:

” Help me to have,

1.  Uncompromising love 2.  Unconditional acceptance 3.  Total fidelity 4.  Ceaseless devotion 5.  Untiring service 6.  Unending sacrifice

God gives us not what we deserve but what we need.

When you know you have been loved like that, you will want to love your mate in the same way.

Ask yourself:

What does she/he need from me? not what you think they need but what do they really need?

If you have the courage to answer that question… then you will grow a marriage with:

1.  Good communication.
2.  Alert consideration.
3.  Willing compromise.
4.  Creative courtship.
5.  Humble confrontation.
6.  Unwavering commitment.

David Valencia, has spent more than 20 years counseling/coaching people through the most difficult issues of their lives. Not just a counselor or coach, he’s a man who has made mistakes himself and has personally worked through difficulties associated with guilt, grief, forgiveness and more. David’s underlying motivation is to help others. He has a B.S. in psychology and a Masters of Divinity. In addition to coaching David has been a minister and college professor. He lives in the mountains of Pennsylvania with his wife, 3 daughters, an “issue-ridden” springer spaniel and 2 cats. He enjoys reading, cooking, riding motorcycles, and restoring old homes.

I Love My Babies Mama

By Ayize Ma’at


By Ayize Ma’at

As I type this post I’m tired yall.  I’m worn out.  I’m exhausted and I’m feeling kinda funny.  Why, you might ask? Well…this morning before my wife raced off to a meeting she stepped to me and said….”Are you gonna F* me tonight?”  Whoa!!! is what your probably thinking…but we’re all grown folks and we’re all real folks so in an attempt to get this off my chestbecause Despite the fact that I’m tired I feel the need to share something that has been on my spirit for the past week.  I’m amazed that I’m even sharing this publicly because I never thought I would feel this way.  Especially being a young buck..LOL  In any event let me tell yall

Taylor Fikes Is Making Her Dream Of Becoming A Professional Ballet Dancer A Reality

By Team BLAM

Ever had a dream? Hopefully, you still do. We all (should) have dreams that inspire, excite, and empower us. 17 year old high school senior Taylor Fikes has a dream.

She is an accomplished ballerina who has just been invited to attend The Bolshoi Academy of Ballet in Moscow, Russia. Bolshoi is one of the oldest and most established schools for classical ballet in the world.

She must raise $18,500 by the end of October. Her mother has created an online fundraising campaign. There are more details about Taylor and her goal and accomplishments on this site. Check out the video below that talks briefly about the The Bolshoi Academy of Ballet in Moscow, Russia and the intense training that Americans undergo when given the awesome opportunity to study with some of the great teachers of ballet.

And, don’t forget to visit Taylor’s Fundraising Site. African Americans don’t always have long lines of wealth to precede us but we do have community. The community truly can make a difference.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

The Non Spiritual Benefits Of Going To Church


While it is advantageous when parents believe in the tenets of a particular faith and desire to worship regularly in order to reinforce their belief system, faith is not necessary to benefit from sitting in a pew. Attending worship services, church, synagogue or mosque, is valuable even without “believing”. Most worship incorporates numerous elements, which are very healthy for children and families. Getting a family up at the same time, eating together and out the door together once a week contributes to a sense of family. The ritualized action of going to the same place at the same time to do the same thing strengthens family identity, cohesiveness and unity of purpose. When the family then goes out for breakfast together afterwards there is an added bonus. One family has sweet rolls on Sunday after church, which are not offered any other day. This connects going to church with the pleasure centers of the brain.

Jim Mahoney, a therapist in Spokane Washington tells this story:

When he was a young therapist just starting out in practice he began work with a particularly difficult family. He saw the members separately and in small groups and then decided he needed to see them all together at the same time every week. They agreed to meet every Wednesday from 5 – 6 p.m. After their session it was too late to go home to fix dinner so they would eat out. The family dynamics began to dramatically improve. Jim went on vacation for two weeks and regretfully told the family he would have to miss the appointments. The family went to dinner anyway while he was gone and to everyone’s surprise continued to make excellent progress. When Jim returned he discovered, much to his chagrin, it was the family going out to dinner together which was enabling their progress. Not just his work!

Attending worship together accomplishes much the same thing. Everyone in the family is organized around meeting a common goal, which helps the family work as a connected unit rather than separate parts.

Additional benefits of participating in the worship life of a community are the music and the positive message. Through the ages, people have been aware of how mood is affected by music. Research done by Don Campbell, author of The Mozart Effect, clearly demonstrated that music by composers such as Mozart, Beethoven and Bach is therapeutic. Intellectually, listening to it can activate parts of the brain and help it become more organized and less chaotic. Research has shown that IQ can actually be raised by listening to classical music. Emotionally, various selections calm the over excited child or excite the depressed one. Singing is good for the entire family. It is hard to be angry and destructive while singing as it causes a pleasurable resonation in the brain, which counteracts and defeats negativity. Toning and chanting have a powerful healing effect on the brain. According to Daniel Amen, author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life, Ahhh evokes a relaxation response, Eeee aids concentration and releases pain and anger, and Ohhh and Ommm relaxes muscle tension. Listening to the various instruments play (piano, organ, flute, violin, etc.) exposes children to a wider variety of musical experiences then they would get from the radio or the type of bands they would typically listen to on CDs. It helps them gain an appreciation for fine music and counteract the negative tone and message of much of what they ordinarily listen to.

The messages tend to focus on the need for reciprocal, loving behaviors and meeting the human justice needs of the world. Forgiveness, and how it heals both the abused and the abuser, is also a theme which children who have been hurt by others need to hear. Another theme commonly found is one of overcoming adversity and becoming resilient to the darts and wounds of life. Listening to morally sound, positive, uplifting messages once a week is beneficial in and of itself. It teaches children there are standards of right and wrong, normalizes ethical behavior and counteracts the television culture’s message, “If it feels good, do it.”

Additionally, the very act of being in a worshipping community teaches the child organization and group participation skills essential to school. During worship the children learn to follow the lead of someone other than their parents. They learn to sit quietly when others sit, bow their heads when others bow their heads, kneel when others kneel and stand when others stand. They learn there are arenas in life where running, talking and noise making are not allowed. The educational advantage is that attendance can contribute to reading skills. During the hymns parents can place their finger on the line of the music so the child can follow along. The child learns how to read and memorize in a non-threatening environment in which there are no tests. Following the rhythm and word selection of the hymns teaches poetry construction.

As children get older and more responsible, many congregations find ways for children to participate in the worship. When children are small they can learn to usher, hand out bulletins, take the offering, greet worshippers, and perform other small duties while walking and standing next to their parents. As they get older, they can begin to do them on their own. This gives them the knowledge they can give back and contribute and are capable of doing something for others. Older children can read the lessons aloud to the entire congregation. If they have a musical skill they can also find a ready audience, which would enjoy hearing them, sing, play the piano or other instrument. Children become more self-assured as their participation is eagerly welcomed and their mistakes are overlooked. Of course, weekly choir practice is another opportunity for parents to get respite while their children are engaged in a positive, constructive activity.

The fellowship involved in the community is very helpful to parents who often have few places to turn for non-judgmental, unqualified, support and understanding. Pastoral care is free and is the opportunity to find someone who is adept at listening. Most spiritual leaders are not professional therapists, however, they are great listeners and empathetic supporters. Listening to people cry is one of the things they do best and most parents with troubled families need to do that more than occasionally! It is cleansing. It also saves friendships, as friends sometimes tire of continually hearing tales of woe from parents with difficult children.

Adolescents, particularly, need an adult, who is not their parent, to talk to and spend time with. Many worshipping communities provide such an adult as part of their youth ministry. Getting the troubled adolescents together with other teens under the supervision of a youth worker can be very beneficial in creating a support group for the teen. Many teens with behavior problems do not have access to positive relationships at school or in other arenas because their negative reputation has preceded them. Congregations routinely bring a wide spectrum of youth together and engage them in positive activities. Often the activity has to do with meeting a human justice need – serving soup at a soup kitchen, sorting clothes for the homeless, painting the home of an elderly member, etc. Doing something for others stretches the self-image of youth who do not often see themselves as capable of doing something positive which actually contributes to someone else’s well being.

Younger children need the same thing. Often children who act out at school and at home do well for the short time they are in church. Their good behavior is reflected in the esteem which others, who do not know how they behave otherwise, give them. They get to practice being “good”, cooperating and following group norms and seeing how it feels. Parents can see how well their child is capable of behaving and set realistic goals for them. While they know the child does not behave that way at home, they can see how well the child can act when he chooses to and make duplicating it at home a goal for the child. Sometimes parents lose heart because they don’t believe there is any arena in which their child can behave or think their child is so hopelessly damaged he will never be able to behave in a socially acceptable way. Rather than looking with dismay at the child whose public persona is superior to his private one, they need to reframe the child’s behavior and congratulate him that at least there are some places he finds cooperation to be useful. Express the hope that he will someday find cooperation useful at home. Don’t punish him because he is “good” for someone else and not the parent. Praise him. The point is not to say, “Why can’t you behave that well at home.” Rather, the goal is to help the child see that when their behaviors meet standard expectations, they are happier, those around them are happier and their parents are happier. Parents can say, “I am so glad you save your acting out for at home. For we know and love you anyway. You certainly don’t need the world to know how weird and lonely your actions are sometimes. Hopefully, someday you will feel so safe and loved you will be able to share with your family the little boy the rest of the world sees.”

People to help with respite can also be frequently identified within the fellowship. Most religious communities have programs for children and youth which are extremely healthy for them to participate in. While the children are positively engaged, the parents can take advantage of the much-needed respite. Many youth groups travel together to perform, such as a traveling choir, to meet a human justice need, such as building a house on a reservation, or just for fun, such as a ski or beach trip. The family gains in two ways – respite while the child is participating in group activities to earn the money to go and respite while the child is gone. Summer camps associated with faith communities tend to be less expensive to attend and often carpooling is provided to get the children to and from camp. When finances are an issue often other members of the community will donate what is needed.

Search Institute, an organization devoted to research regarding the state of America’s youth, discovered that adolescents who participate in a worshipping community on a regular basis are more apt to lead healthy life styles and reject premarital sex, smoking and drugs. They are less apt to engage in delinquent behaviors and more apt to be successful in school. It is significant to note that after the shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado in the spring of 1999, the students flocked to the local churches, not the counseling staff set up and trained to provide crisis and grief services. Even those youth who did not consider themselves religious went to the churches alone and with their friends as they found such a high degree of comfort and support there. Parents can contribute to such feelings of comfort, support and resilience by regularly taking their children to church, synagogue or mosque.

Families, which are not accustomed to attending worship services, may encounter some resistance from their children who would rather sleep later or watch cartoons. Quiet persistence and consistency will generally win the day when it is tied to a reward, such as breakfast out or swimming later. Just because children do not initially want to participate does not mean it is not good for them. Parents who take their leadership role in the family seriously will find ensuring weekly participation just as rewarding, and just as demanding, as ensuring children attend school. The same incentives and consequences can be applied.

If parents find their souls are refreshed and renewed when they take advantage of opportunities to worship regularly, that is wonderful. However, just because they don’t believe they have a soul, don’t believe in life after death, don’t believe there is a god out there to worship, or do believe that churches are full of hypocrites always asking for money, does not mean they need to deprive themselves or their children of all the rest of the wonderful, beneficial aspects of participating in a faith community. There is more to religious communities then promoting faith. A lot more.

Book Give Away! Love For Grown Ups: The Garter Brides’ Guide To Marrying For Life When You’ve Already Got A Life

By Team BLAM

We’re very happy to announce that we’ve partnered with ICED Media and the authors of Love for Grown-Ups: The Garter Brides Guide to Marrying for Life When You’ve Already got a Life to give away a FREE copy of this wonderful relationship book that is full of advice from 3 women who found love and happiness after their 35th birthday.

Who are the Garter Brides? 3 women who got married after the age of 35  who have a lot to share about the difference between a mature marriage and one where you marry in your twenties. What we really appreciate about this book is that each of these women share what they know based on their own life experiences and those of women they’ve interviewed around the world.

Here’s an excerpt from the book with a little more on the Garter Brides:

It all started as many great adventures do, with girlfriends having dinner (i.e., drinks). Nina, Ann, and Pat were business colleagues and longtime friends, all over the age of thirty-five.  All had successful careers and were going on dates (approximately 9,000 of those by Pat alone, according to her), but none of them thought she’d get married.


Six months later, Nina got married. Six month after that, Ann got married. Six months after that , Pat got married. Nina said, “At my age you wear a garter, but you don’t throw it.” She slipped it off and gave it to Ann, who wore it at her wedding. Ann then gave it to Pat, who wore it at her wedding. They named themselves the Garter Brides—and a new tradition was born.

Today, this good luck garter has been worn by girlfriends ranging in age from 38 to 57, and it has traveled—in a FedEx box all over the United States.

In the book, you’ll find great advice on the importance of staying in the dating game, how to blend family, friends, and kids, taking your romance to the next level, along with a host of other issues unique to “grown up” brides.

So, how do you enter? It’s simple.

1)Leave a comment below with one quality that is important to have when getting married at any age (i.e., flexibility or patience, etc.)

2)Follow us on Twitter @BlkLuvNMarriage and follow our friends @TheGarterBrides. Simple!

The Give Away will end Sunday, 9/18/2011 at 12 midnight and the lucky winner will be notified on Monday. Good Luck!

*saved* what i cut and paste from class page on website

Who’s this class for?

Couples who are dating, engaged, or married and in a committed relationship. If you’re not in a relationship you need our Singles class.

What do I need?

A computer (and a webcam if you’d like, that’s up to you.) That’s it! Other than that just sit back, relax, and learn from the comfort of your home.

What if my partner doesn’t want to participate?

Trust us. You can join the class by yourself and learn and get what you need to learn and get.

What’s the cost?

Only $175.00 (4 one hour sessions of education and enlightenment)


This small investment in your relationship could save you heartache & thousands of dollars by helping you avoid a costly divorce.


*Why you matter and how to make sure you are clear about what your unique needs are. Are your needs being met? Why or why not? Learn why self-examination is the first key to any good relationship.

*Learn how gender differences impact how we see and approach just about everything in a relationship.

*Learn why Committed Relationships are for Grown Folks and how to get out of the Selfish Space & Fight For Oneness.

*”I Scream, You Shout!”: Learn how to get to the real issues, real dialogue, and real understanding.

*Are you In it to Win it? Learn how to maintain your commitment through the test of time.

How It Works:

Couples come together weekly to share, learn, grow, and elevate themselves & their relationships to the next level. But, instead of fighting traffic, arranging childcare, and wearing yourself out to make it on time—you will sit back, relax, and do it from the comfort of your own home. Don’t you just love it?

Why participate in a Couples Class?

Anything worth having is worth working at. When one thinks of world-renowned athletes such as Kobe Bryant or Tiger Woods, we think of how good their game is. What we don’t see are the hours of practice they put into perfecting their game. Why should you or your relationship be any different? You get out what you put in.

Begin your journey with other couples determined to elevate themselves and their partners!





Jerks, losers, men and women who ain’t about nothing…call them whatever you want—we will show you how to avoid them and find “the one” that’s right for you. This class will help you break destructive dating patterns that have kept you from finding the love you deserve.

Who’s this class for?

Single people as in not in a relationship. If you’re in a relationship you need our couples class.

What do I need?

A computer (and a webcam if you’d like, that’s up to you. Webcams range from $10-$20) That’s it! Other than that just sit back, relax, and learn from the comfort of your home.

Learn to:

*Ask the right questions to inspire meaningful, revealing conversations with your partner.

*Judge character based on compatibility, relationship skills, friends, and patterns from family and previous relationships.

*Resolve your own emotional baggage so you’re ready for a healthy relationship.


Only $175.00 (4 one hour sessions of education and enlightenment)


This small investment in yourself could save you heartache and thousands of dollars by helping you avoid costly DRAMA.

How It Works:

Singles come together weekly to share, learn, grow, and elevate themselves & their “relationships to be” to the next level. But, instead of fighting traffic, arranging childcare, and wearing yourself out to make it on time—you will sit back, relax, and do it from the comfort of your own home. Don’t you just love it?

Why participate in a Singles Class?

Anything worth having is worth working at. When one thinks of world-renowned athletes such as Kobe Bryant or Tiger Woods, we think of how good their game is. What we don’t see are the hours of practice they put into perfecting their game. Why should you, your relationship or “relationship to be” be any different? You get out what you put in.

Begin your journey with other singles determined to pick a partner who’s right for them!

PRESS RELEASE: BlackLoveAndMarriage.com Opens Registration To Fall Online Couples & Singles Relationship Education Classes

B Intentional, LLC, a marriage and relationship education company aimed specifically at impacting African Americans & people of color via original web video content, multi-media platforms and licensed therapeutic professional services, is pleased to announce the opening of registration for their fall online couples & singles classes. http://www.blackloveandmarriage.com, the company’s website & blog offers free and paid services in an effort to combat the African American community’s increasingly alarming dysfunctional relationship and divorce rates.

Washington, DC September 14, 2011— For Immediate Release

Ayize & Aiyana Ma’at, co-founders and owners of B Intentional, LLC, officially open the doors to registration for their live interactive online couples and singles classes Wednesday, Sep. 14, 2011. Classes begin the week of October 24, 2011 and last for 4 weeks. The online class titled “Grow where you need to grow to go where you want to go” is the company’s signature course for couples. This class is for couples who are dating, engaged, or married and in a committed relationship. “How to avoid falling for a jerk/jerkette” is also offered for singles. The classes can be accessed anywhere there is a computer and an internet connection. “People come together weekly to share, learn, grow, and elevate themselves & their relationships to the next level. But, instead of fighting traffic, arranging childcare, and wearing themselves out to make it on time—they will sit back, relax, and do it from the comfort of their own home” says co-founder Aiyana Ma’at.

The African American community has the lowest marriage rate in America and the highest out of wedlock childbirth rate. On top of these deeply troubling numbers, the Census Bureau figures released in May 2011 show that while everyone else’s divorce rate went down, Black women between the ages of 50-59 were more likely to divorce. In addition African Americans divorce rate went up to 48% and black women have the highest chance of their first marriage ending within 10 years, at 47%. With statistics like these, it is clear that the work of  B Intentional is a much needed resource in the community.

BlackLoveandMarriage.com has been in existence since March 2010 and has experienced tremendous growth in record time. The company has been able to take advantage of various social media platforms to get the word out about the work that they do and the unique way in which they do it. B Intentional continues to prove their commitment to transforming the image and quality of relationships in the African-American community and the nation with their newly released classes. “What I love about the Ma’at’s is their ability to use their clinical and professional insight combined with the realness of their own relationship to inspire change in people” says Carolyn Thompson, clinical psychologist and past participant in their couples class. As not only business partners, but also as husband & wife , Ayize & Aiyana Ma’at, know full well the challenges couples are struggling with in this day and age. They are using the continuous advances in technology along with their their growing platform in the online space to transform couples and families one person at a time.

Fall classes are being offered Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays at 9pm. Persons interested in learning more about the upcoming classes can visit http://www.blackloveandmarriage.com/black-marriage-services-take-a-class/singles-couples-online-relationship-classes-faq-register/ or contact B Intentional, LLC at 202-599-0234 for more information.


BLAM’s HOT TOPICS 08/1/11 – 08/8/11

Stay up to speed with the current events of the week. Check out BLAM’s HOT TOPICS as it relates to the black experience and beyond.

1.  Will Black Women Marrying Outside The Race Inspire More Black Marriages?  2. Man Jailed Indefinitely For Spreading HIV  3.  Is Planet Of The Apes About Black Folks?  4. Why Comparing Obama To A “Tar Baby” Hurts Us All  5.  Public Masturbation Site Urges Flashers To Target Black Women  6.  Male Rape Victims: Sexual Violence Toward Men Around The World  7.  50 Things You May Not Know About President Obama On His 5oth Birthday


Audrey belongs to the most unmarried group of people in the U.S.: black women. Nearly 70% of black women are unmarried, and the racial gap in marriage spans the socioeconomic spectrum, from the urban poor to well-off suburban professionals. Three in 10 college-educated black women haven’t married by age 40; CLICK HERE to read more.


A Canadian court has decided that a man convicted of murder through HIV transmission is dangerous enough to be locked up indefinitely. Johnson Aziga had unprotected sex with at least 11 women who were unaware of his condition, seven of whom became infected and two of whom died of AIDS-related cancers.  CLICK HERE for more.


“Though it was intended to be show support for black people’s fight for human rights, it relies on the racist notion of black people being not being fully human, choosing monkeys of all animals as stand ins for black people. It also played into the issues of skin-color hierarchy, making lighter apes more intelligent than their darker, more uncivilized counterparts.”  CLICK HERE for more.


GOP Representative Doug Lamborn from Colorado decided to stir the racial fire in the recent debate over the debt crisis this past weekend. In his remarks about President Obama, Rep. Lamborn said that being associated with President Obama is “like touching a tar baby.”  CLICK HERE for more.


With instructive tips such as time of the day to carry out the habit, as well as especially easy locations to make a getaway (subways and other forms of public transportation are constantly mentioned), the website essentially discusses the best ways to flash and not get caught.  “No white women over the age of 25 unless you have a wicked getaway plan. Flash Asian women or black women, Asian’s are too embarrassed to call the cops and black women think it’s funny.”  CLICK HERE for more.


Al-Jazeera’s “Inside Story” team reports, male rape is quite common, affecting hundreds of thousands of men around the world each year. Sometimes even ignored by the United Nations, “forced homosexuality,” is used as a tool for torture and humiliation. Due to this, rape of men is often not even recognized as a crime.  CLICK HERE for more.


1. He and Bill Cosby are the only people to ever get free food from Ben’s Chili Bowl. 2. He ate dog meat, snake meat, and roasted grasshopper when he lived in Indonesia.  3. He says his favorite children’s book is “Where the Wild Things Are.”  4. He owns a pair of boxing gloves signed by Muhammad Ali.  5. He collects Spider-Man and Conan the Barbarian comics.  CLICK HERE for more.