FREE GIVE AWAY ALERT! Enter To Win Card Game “Money Habitudes” & Get Insight About HOW You Handle Your Money & WHY.
By Team BLAM
More often than not seemingly rational, intelligent men and women have irrational behavior when it comes to money. Even though we know better, we continue to make poor money choices, keep money secrets from our spouse, and spend money we don’t have.
Well change is a coming! Enter to win these fabulously (and really thorough) insightful cards and learn a little more about yourself, how you deal with your money and WHY. Even better, you can use these cards with your boo, your friends, your family–everybody! Money Habitudes is a game-like toolkit in the form of a deck of cards and we love them. We’ve been using them with couples for quite a while now and they haven’t failed us yet. 😉
What is a “habitude”?
A “habitude” is the automatic or subconscious thoughts and feelings (attitudes) and behaviors (habits) that are ingrained in our minds over time and influence our decisions and actions.
What is the purpose or goal of Money Habitudes cards?
Money Habitudes cards are designed to help people engage in productive conversations about money and understand the habits and attitudes that influence their actions and decisions regarding money.
Individuals use the cards to understand how they can take charge of their financial future and see where old habits and attitudes may be supporting or sabotaging their intentions.
Couples use the cards to understand where they complement and conflict with each others’ habits and attitudes, which gives them a strong foundation to talk about important financial issues productively, using the non-judgmental, common language provided by the cards.
Money Habitudes cards are used in a variety of ways and for a number of reasons but typically because they:
*Help people start and have great conversations about money and finances. Money is one of the most difficult subjects for people to discuss; this fun and engaging activity makes talking about money easy and approachable.
*Provide Aha! insights regarding finances, relationships, career and lifestyle choices. Often, we don’t know why we do what we do with money or because of money. Money is the number one source of arguments between couples and is frequently the reason people stay in dead-end jobs; understand the real issues and make real breakthroughs.
*Are a versatile tool. They can be used as a quick icebreaker, a longer, standalone activity or as a module in a class, workshop, or curriculum. They can be used by individuals and couples on their own, but are also employed by professionals such as financial planners, therapists and career coaches. In addition, the tool is used in financial education and investing situations as well as in relationship and communication contexts and in career counseling. And because the cards do not require deep financial knowledge and use broadly applicable statements and scenarios, they are used across the age, income, and education spectrum.
What makes Money Habitudes cards so user friendly and non-threatening?
Designed as a familiar deck of card cards, they are associated with an enjoyable, social activity for both men and women so people relax and engage more quickly.
The game-like format is not associated with negative test-taking experiences. The language on the cards is non-judgmental, jargon free and free of gender bias.
Each Habitude has advantages and disadvantages. All the Habitudes are positive and overusing or missing any Habitude can be a challenge.
There are no right or wrong responses or combinations of cards so there are no winners or losers. Everyone is a combination of different Habitudes so there is no labeling. They are so easy to use all the directions fit on one playing card.
Here’s what you get:
Every deck is a complete toolkit and includes: (1) a green instruction card, (2) three blue sorting cards, (3) eight yellow interpretation cards (two general and one for each Habitude with suggested activities for change on the back) and (4) 54 statement cards coded on the back with a colorful picture to identify the Habitude with which it is associated.
Always ask yourself …Do I NEED IT or WANT IT before making a purchase.
Pay your tithes and offerings faithfully, pray that God blesses you to be an excellent steward of your money. Always save atleast 10% for yourself in a savings account. Discuss your finances together including charitable giving, bless others as a unified team. 🙂
Use credit cards for emergencies and pay more than the minimum balance.
Take care of your money and it will take care of you! I pray I get this. We NEED it!
Talk about money habits and attitudes while still in the dating stage. Don’t wait until the wedding!! This behavior could lead to big problems.
Pay yourself first. We have to save.
Don't spend what you don't have!
After experiencing a bankruptcy, I've learned that using budget spreadsheets, checking my credit report annualy, and using automatic payments and transfers help restablish a savings, pay debts on time, and re-establish positive credit history.
Have weekly, monthly or quarterly meetings with your spouse / significant other to go over your budget. Things work out better when you're both on the same page.
Always remember to save some from each paycheck.