Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan And Dr. Boyce Watkins Examine “Django Unchained!!”
‘Django Unchained’ has inspired a lot of talk since it’s release on Dec. 25th. Spike Lee has come out calling it a spaghetti western and it’s representation of slavery in such a manner is disrespectful to our ancestors. Katt Williams has said that he is going to punch Quentin Tarantino in the mouth when he see’s him because nobody in “niggadom” gave him a pass to use the “N” word over 180 times. Others have applauded the bold display of heroism and black masculinity in the character Django, alluding to the idea that he was a remix of Nat Turner and Denmark Vesey. Others have been left questioning, “Where is my Django?”, a brotha that will go through hell and high water to find and fight for his wife. In the below video Minister Louis Farrakhan and Dr. Boyce Watkins have a candid discussion about the movie and give some additional perspective. Check it out and let us know what you think.