How Much Are You Worth On The Relationship Market?
By Kenny Pugh
There is no shortage of media dedicated to addressing the ‘epidemic’ of singleness in our society.
We’re entertained by men and women who discuss their plights as to why each of them, as a quality candidate, is still single. There are never enough quality men to choose from, women say. There are always too many “high potential” women to sort through, men complain.
And so on and so on.
Unfortunately, too many of us have a higher self-appraisal of ourselves than what others are willing to view as true relationship value. It’s sort of like the homeowner who thinks their home is worth $400,000, when the true market value based on recent sales is really $300,000. Sometimes, you need to be your harshest critic.
On the relationship market, think of yourself as an asset that requires investment.
Physical – What is your current physical status? Do you eat healthy? Physical attraction isn’t necessarily based on looks, but your ability to present yourself in a manner that accents you as an individual (i.e., via your attire, grooming, nails, etc.).
Professional – Are you where you desire to be professionally? If not, are you taking steps to achieve your goals? Your professional life is something you should pursue and try to stabilize during your single season.
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