When He Says He Loves Me…Does He Really Mean It?
VIDEO: “Can a man tell you he loves you and not really be interested in you?” asks this single woman who says she is ready to settle down and be married. Listen in for a male perspective as Ayize Ma’at exposes you to how you can discern whether the substance beneath his expression of love is genuine.
Good advice Ruby. Ladies please remember it ain’t all about him…..it’s about you too! So please have some standards….he has to meet your mark (or at least have the potential to do so). Just make sure you have reasonable marks.
.-= B Intentional´s last blog ..When He Says He Loves Me…Does He Really Mean It? =-.
When you met a men for the first time,and he ask you out,remember ladies…you’re being monitor,from the first word,that come out of your mouth,to the last thing you say…from your eyes and hand movement,the crossing of your legs,the motion in your walk…He focus on you,be careful,you’re on a date,but also on trial…Your first dates will determine,if you will have a second date,after the date is over,and he say,I call you,you’re not the one,and if he say,May i call you sometime,he is interest…but if he say,i see you next weekend,or i met you there…well,do i need to say more? a men is searching,for that difference ,or swing in a women,that immediatly connect them together,at first eyessight,he know on that date,is she going to be the one to tell.”I love You,to get to second base,or this is the women of my dream…Single women alway be on a men alert,keep yourself beautiful and classy,and on good behavior…what i mean…alway be a ladies at all time,cause you ever know,your soul-mates,just might be right around the corner…