I Ain’t Happy… And I Ain’t Leaving
By Jada Am I happy? No. Am I leaving? No. Do I close my eyes, hold my breath, and clinch the seam in my skirt hoping that the truth will miss me? Yes. But the truth never misses me. I know my man is cheating on me. How do I know you ask? I know because he told me.
He did that damn dance of denial for the first three years of our marriage until I discovered her stank a$$ panties tucked inside my pillow case. Can you believe that bullshit? I couldn’t either. I snapped. I almost knocked him out with the porcelin flower vase on our night stand….in my mind that is.
Really, I just asked him how could you…You dirty, non-committal, dum a$$, evil, motha-fuc!a. Guess what he said….I’m sorry. Husband….Fu#@ your sorry because you Fu(@ed me everytime I closed my eyes, held my breath, and clinched the seam in my skirt hoping that the truth that I knew way before now would miss me.
Am I happy? No? Am I leaving? No? Am I healing? Yes.
*Note* The name of the author has been changed to protect her identity. Should you find yourself in a similar situation feel free to connect with Ayize & Aiyana Ma’at for therapeutic support by CLICKING THE PIC BELOW.
both revealing and healing at the same time. thanks Jada