Do All Black Men Cheat?
VIDEO: Unfortunately, black men as a whole get a bad rap for the irresponsible behaviors that some of us engage in. Black men have been characterized as “sex obsessed” and unfaithful within the African American community. While many women embrace these ideas…Ayize Ma’at challenges you to consider that the behavior of a “few” does not dictate the actions of “all” when it comes to black men.
Very awesome writing! Honestly.
I think growing up with a father who was fiercely protective of his marriage and his wife, and who never cheated, this perception of black men never really crossed my mind. I was raised by the best, and I’m married to the best.
And guess what? When I was cheated on while dating, my father’s example is what always gave me hope that one day I would have a love like what he and my mother shared.
.-= Harriet´s last blog ..Father Can You Hear Me? =-.
Right on when you say…..”what looks good to you ain’t always good for you”.
.-= Ayize´s last blog ..Interview With Couple Married For Over 66 years! =-.
I’m going to put it like this,all men got a little dog in them,but some men don’t have self-control,all black men don’t cheat,it just certain type of ladies,that try to bring the dog out of some men,there bad seed everywhere,the question in this situation is… Do you love,What you have in your marriage? cause there,are some men will get off they path of rightousness,and lend to the trail of darkness,”now are you ready to let it all go,for a quick thrill,of another flesh,only for a blink of an eye,it over”…to destroy,the bond in you’ll relationship,that you built over time…before you leap,think about what if,and move on..”.What look good to you,is not good for you”think about what you already have,and not what you trying to get,and work on making it better….