What Gets In The Way Of ‘Happily Ever After’?
By Rita Watson
The fairy tales promised “happily ever after.” But in today’s society happily oftentimes comes after the divorce settlement. In reality, ideal love — love that is unconditional — is one in which you love someone from the bottom of your heart despite behavior, actions or even qualities. However, the world of love is often entwined with happiness.
Little girls were raised to believe that someday our prince would come. Indeed for Cinderella, she found her dream when Prince Charming slipped her foot into the glass slipper. Then there was Snow White who was awakened by the kiss of her Prince — who, as the tale goes, was destined to find her. And they too lived happily ever after.
The 3 problems of “happily”
1. If you loved me: Too often we find ourselves saying: “If you loved me you would . . . (remember my birthday; make plans for our anniversary; send me flowers for no reason at all).” In reality the message is this: “If you do these things for me, then I will be happy.”
There are two questions to ask here. Will little gestures and remembrances really make you happy? If so then why not tactfully or playfully remind your guy in advance?
Here lies the problem. We expect men to think like women. And they don’t. Male companions, lovers and spouses rarely come with a degree in “Romantic” and those who do are keepers.