Do You Wanna Know How To Change Your Man Instantly?
By Mrs. Hill
You have married a wonderful man. Both of you were ecstatic on your wedding day. Then couple of months later you discovered that he forgets about things that are important for you, he is messy and does not brush his teeth first thing in the morning. He gave up the gym and started gaining weight.
Do you want to get your pre-marriage husband back?
It will take you 10-15 minutes.
That is exactly how long it took me. So, when you start thinking about your man as “that lazy bastard”, it is time for you to get to work. There are two ways, they are similarly effective.
For both of them you need pen and paper.
First strategy is a positive transformation. Ask yourself and start writing down the answers:
* Why I fell in love with him in the first place?
* What still attracts me?
* What did he do this week to make me smile?
* Isn’t he cute with this new haircut?
* Why I am happy that we met?
* Why he is the perfect match for me?
* How I can express all my love to him now?
Put this list of paper on your mirror/in the diary and remember how much you love him.
Second strategy is a negative transformation. Imagine and start writing down: How from here your relationships and the whole life scenario can go worse and worse.
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