My Wife Expects The Lovin To Be The Same….Despite The Weight That She’s Gained


VIDEO: Have you noticed your spouse’s weight slowly but surely slipping out of control? If so has that impacted your desire for them? In this show we help a guy out who is wrestling with the fact that his wife is gaining weight and it’s impacting their romance. Listen in and let us know what you think.

B Intentional Fam, Have you or your spouse experienced weight gain as the years have slipped by? Has it impacted your desire for sex or your attraction towards them? How have you dealt with this?






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12 replies
  1. mrstasha
    mrstasha says:

    Some men accept It and some don't, some men will workout with their women to help them shed them extra few pounds and some won't It just depends on the type of man you have In your life.

  2. SmoovMochaNut
    SmoovMochaNut says:

    Never-ending battle to take care of ourselves and to teach our children that it's normal to want to stay in-shape throughout their entire lives.

    Both my wife & I had gained weight through the years. It started mostly during our final years in college, then continued as she has our children & I didn't make exercise a personal priority. I will truly love her even as she is bigger now, but I would be angry with her if she lets herself continue to gain weight even after it has been discussed between us and our physician. I expect her to feel the same way about me as well. We both strive to be healthier, to find motivations that help us exercise more, & to encourage/support each other as well. I can't be eating bacon cheeseburgers while she's munching salad & a diet coke – not gonna work.

    Also, as we had gotten heavier, the sex is different – not bad – but could be better. This is further motivation to lose the extra pounds so that when we do express our intimacy physically, we can do it in the best way possible….because we both really enjoy that aspect of our relationship a lot.

  3. Patricia Knight
    Patricia Knight says:

    Don't we have enough problems trying to stay married? Let's not add causing our husbands to be dissatisfied with our physical appearance to the (ever-growing) list!

    Reminder: Ladies our men see and interact with other attractive women on a daily basis. Your single parent neighbors and acquaintances are looking at your "good man" and coveting him. They watch how he goes out to work every day, takes care of the house and yard, and comes home every night to you; and they're waiting on you to slip.

    Let's stop playing. Married ladies have got to keep their game tight in every area. If they don't they will easily become the next separation/divorce statistic in the African American community.

    They're many more females than there are males, ladies! Even a "good man" has his struggles. Men are very visual. Let's help the brothers out (and our kids, too) and keep the family together by maintaining our physical attractiveness.

    2nd reminder: The other woman doesn't have this problem.

    • Yana
      Yana says:

      This is so the truth! I have always had a man (same one since 17), so I really am kinda clueless as to how it feels to stand around coveting what somebody else has. As sad as it is I guess it must be true. As much as I hate the fact that women can't back off and respect what yours, it aint so. Stay on top of your game ladies!

    • Mrs. Tee
      Mrs. Tee says:

      You sound like a fool. If my husband is that stupid to cheat on me because I have gained a little weight, is ridiculous. It doesn’t matter how many women he comes in contact with, if he cheats, the marriage wasn’t meant to be in the first place. Don't place such an “importance” on keeping a man around you. Do you have hobbies or a life outside of your husband? If not, maybe you should work on your self esteem, before giving out ridiculous advice like this. Also, I hope you don’t have any daughters, because you are the last person they should get relationship advice from.

  4. Cherry
    Cherry says:

    Thank you Aiyana…This does really help, Your husband stated it well that, it is a very sensitive subject, when you have the love like the you two have, it would be easy to tell or talk to each other about issues or things, Sometimes I think men think its ok for them to put on weight and as a wife I should not say anything. It works the same way. Now sometimes you may feel like getting groovy more than once a night/day, but he may not be up for it because of his weight, I know there is many ways of satisfying each other, but if he is always tired and complaining of his back? what do you do?

  5. Zamanian
    Zamanian says:

    Your? segments should be featured

  6. information213
    information213 says:

    Wow, look at the love in Aiyana's eyes,? lookin at her man. I love that. Thanks guys. Brilliant, as usual.

    • zonetwin
      zonetwin says:

      i was watching that too. from 2:28-2:44? you can see how much she is in love with him. Beautiful

  7. Mrs. Tasha
    Mrs. Tasha says:

    I personally don't think it's fair to gain weight and expect your spouse to just accept it. Plus, I think it's a set up to make a man's eyes travel elsewhere. I'm not "the perfect size" but I stay on top of my weight and my health in general not only for myself but for my husband too.

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