Make A Decision!
VIDEO: The first step toward any lasting change you want to make is to decide that you are going to make the change. Makes sense, right? But, what does it really mean to make a decision? Most of us don’t really understand what a true decision looks like. In this show Aiyana will break down what a REAL decision is and challenge us to move beyond rhetoric and put our words into action. Today, make a decision and do something immediately to change the trajectory of your life. Listen in to find out how.
Well said and willingly received!
Ashe!! Spoken and Heard at the right time as I get up off of my butt and do this thing! (I'm going back to school in 2011)
Thank you for this!!!! I so needed to hear this. I've been saying I'm going back to school next year for like the past 6 months. But, today I realize that I really hadn't made the decision cause' I wasn't really sure I guess and I haven't filled out 1 application. Last year i was saying the same thing. I'm about to go print out the requirements for the 2 schools I want to apply to right now. I'm really gonna do this!