What Are You Afraid Of?
VIDEO: Are there some things in your life that you push to the back of your mind because of fear? Do you feel paralyzed when you think about going back to school, having that conversation with that difficult person, or pursuing your wildest dreams? Listen in as Aiyana encourages you to ask the question “What Am I Afraid Of?” Be inspired to move beyond “standing still” and go get what life has waiting for you.
I'm afraid our American Soldiers arn't comeing home soon enough. Speaking as a PROUD Army wife myself, these young men and women need to come home where the belong. Safe and sound. GOD BLESS OUR TROOPS. *NEVER forget*
@ Fontaine
Thank you for sharing and thank you for the support. There is definitely liberation in “letting go and letting it out”. Just as we inspire you….your comments inspire us.
.-= Ayize´s last blog ..We Need Our Father’s… =-.
What am I afraid of? Dieing young because i still somke …not being enough/ for myself or my family. Letting it out into the atmosphere and hopefully I will be able to conquer these fears. I have been checking the site out frequently now and I am so inspired by the Ma’ats. I appericate their adivce and work and I am startig to PUSH a little more each day. Thanks 🙂