Meet Featured Future Wife Jaiya Keys!
By Audrey Dawson
All of us are in different stages of our “future” and it’s good to see other ladies who are on the journey as well. I believe the features will encourage and inspire us to remain the set apart ladies that we are and who God created us to be for our future husbands.
Today’s Future Wife feature: Her joy is infectious. Her confidence is such that it makes you ask the question, “Where does it come from?” because inside you want whatever it is she has. She is living a bold, uncompromised walk, with her eyes fixed on her King, believing that one day she will be blessed with a king.
Meet Jaiya.
Name Jaiya Keys
Age: 31
Hometown: Orlando Florida
Occupation: Creative Director/Owner of Minister2Me Christian Apparel
What do you like to do in your spare time?
Anything dealing with the Arts: Painting, Writing, Music, Dance etc.. Those things bring me joy and allow some sense of spiritual release and mental relaxation.
What is your favorite scripture?
There are so many!!! If I had to choose one I would say all of Deuteronomy 7 goes pretty hard. I love it! It’s a scripture of promise and confirmation. To me it feels like a signed contract from God that I am his CHOSEN vessel and it list my reward, duties, and benefits for choosing a more abundant life with Christ. It’s all in there and it gets me excited! The first time that I read it I said “God you mean to tell me that I get ALL of this for believing in you? SIGN ME UP!”
What does the term “future wife” mean to you?
The term future wife means to me Preparation, Purpose and Positioning. The word “Wife” sounds like an assignment from God. I have learned that understanding the true meaning of words is so important in life so I find myself going to the dictionary for everything. The dictionary defines the word “Wife” as a woman joined in marriage to a husband, very simple right? Once I understood the term I went to God’s word to find out how God expects me to carry myself as a wife in Proverbs 31:10-31.
How are you allowing God to prepare you to become a wife?
PATIENCE!!! God has given woman a “How to be a wife guide”in Proverbs 31:10-31 It can’t get any easier then that. All we have to do is follow his instructions. I believe that God is preparing me to become a wife by surrounding me with knowledge, understanding, and hypothetical situations that relate to marriage. Knowledge from books and individuals that are successfully married. Understanding of my purpose in my Kings life as a true “help mate” and not a “harass mate”. Someone who is soft, gentle, fun loving, wise, forgiving and represents herself as a lady of style and grace at all times. Lastly, hypothetical situations with men that mentally stretch me and force me to become a better woman.
You are very confident. Where does it come from?
Thank you Audrey! My confidence really comes from my relationship with Christ. Scriptures like 1 John 4:4 Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world. Romans 8:37 “I am more than a Conqueror through Jesus Christ” and Luke 1:37 “Nothing is impossible with God.” Those scriptures give me so much energy to go out everyday of my life and make the impossible possible!
How important is it for a single woman to know her self worth before she gets married?
It is VERY critical that single woman know their self worth prior to marriage and that they are secure with the woman that God has chosen them to be. God’s word says in Proverbs 31 that as a woman I am “worth more than Rubies and that my husband shall be fully confident in me and see my value and worth.” How can my future King see my value or my worth if I don’t know what it is myself? How can he be confident that I can manage the lives of others i.e. a family if I am not managing my own personal life properly?
What are the benefits of a single woman having godly, male friends?
Godly male friends are like the icing on my cake of life as a woman! Too much Venus (woman) can never be a good thing. There needs to be balance in life. As a single woman I call my balance my B.I.C.’s aka my Brothers in Christ. The best way to understand a male point of view is to hear it from a man, not your mother and not your female friends. They are like angels on assignment from God to protect me from emotional, physical, and spiritual damage. They protect me from evil intentions and wasting my time with nonsense. My B.I.C.’s have always been selfless men that have my best interest at hand. I’ve known them for years and those guys keep me covered in Christ.
How does your relationship with God help you to wait on the man he has chosen for you?
This question kind of ties in with the confidence question and knowing your self worth. I’m patiently waiting because God promised me that my husband was going to be the BOMB! I won’t settle for anything less than Fireworks and Butterflies! I have to be transparent with you though, I am a very fearless woman but my #1 fear use to be that I would become so buried in Christ that my King would not seek God first before coming to me. I need to be specific when I say “seek God first” because some may think that interprets into the man needing to be Saved or a Christian when it doesn’t mean that at all. In order for my King to find me he has to seek God first so that God can remove any previous attachments or addictions to sex, drugs, anger, pain from previous relationships etc… If he still has that baggage he’s not ready to be my King, the yoke is not equal.
Name 3 characteristics that you would look for in your future husband.
Only 3? That’s tough. Hopefully a relationship with Christ is necessary but can go un listed here.
2)Great sense of humor
Some single women think that waiting on God for their husbands means doing nothing but that–wait. You lead a very fulfilling life. What advice would you give to a single woman who is “doing nothing” but waiting on her husband?
As Arsenio Hall would say LET’S GET BUSY!!! Ladies get busy! Create a business, travel the world, enjoy life and establish yourself as a single woman. 1Cor7:32-35 says (the Message) I want you to live as free of complications as possible. When you’re unmarried, you’re free to concentrate on simply pleasing the Master. Marriage involves you in all the nuts and bolts of domestic life and in wanting to please your spouse, leading to so many more demands on your attention. The time and energy that married people spend on caring for and nurturing each other, the unmarried can spend in becoming whole and holy instruments of God. I’m trying to be helpful and make it as easy as possible for you, not make things harder. All I want is for you to be able to develop a way of life in which you can spend plenty of time together with the Master without a lot of distractions.I’ve completed college, I’ve worked my career and now I have stepped into my calling as a business owner of one of God’s Kingdom businesses Minister2Me Christian Apparel
Audrey Dawson is an integral part of the writing team and the owner of Chronicles of a Future Wife, a Christian-based blog that often does features spotlighting single, Christian women and weddings. She is currently taking a break from her blog and will be contributing fabulous features of beautiful engaged and married couples who are defying the odds and rebuilding our community one commitment at a time.
Thank you Jaiya! Only Christ could give you these powerful words to inspire us fellow future wives. I receive every last one of these words as jewels in my crown and light to my path for my future King to find me.
God bless you!
This was such an inspiring interview! I always say I am satisfied with being single. As much as I look forward to being a wife, having children, and raising a family one day. I don't let it define me. I love who I am and waiting on THE ONE.