Perspective In The Middle Of It – Today Is The Beginning Of …
By Ayize Ma’at
The past 10 days in the Ma’at house have been ABSOLUTELY HECTIC. It felt like I was auditioning for Universoul Circus because I was wearing many different hats, playing many different roles, and juggling many different balls as we prepared our oldest son, Asante, for hip surgery Friday morning. There were a wide range of emotions that were experienced during this 10 day period that occasionally knocked us off balance and challenged our peace. Yes, we’re human : )….in the midst of it all we learned to BE STILL.
Prior to surgery, we prayed with Asante and reassured him that everything would be o.k.
I played video games with him to ease whatever fear or concern he may be experiencing. Aiyana comforted him with kisses and “that’s my baby” glances.
On Friday, the day of surgery, Aiyana and Asante got suited in their surgery gear at approximately 8:30am EST. After I kissed him on the forehead and said “see you in a few”, I watched Aiyana walk with Asante as he was wheeled through the double doors to the operating room.
Aiyana then anxiously watched Asante go to sleep mid sentence seconds after the anesthesia was administered. Shortly after Asante went to sleep, Aiyana returned to the waiting area, where we both sat patiently and allowed God to work through the Doctors’ hands. 1 hour later the doctor came out and said SURGERY WAS A SUCCESS.
We give thanks.
We were then permitted to return to Asante’s bedside. Asante could hardly keep his eyes because of the heavy sedation. He was in an intense amount of pain post operation and required doses of morphine to ease the pain.
What’s amazing is that while he was in the middle of it…post surgery, in the middle of pain, and under heavy sedation he had enough perspective to say …”TODAY IS THE BEGINNING OF HISTORY.” Today is a new beginning. Today I begin my journey toward being able to run, jump, and play like other 10 year olds do.
Again, we give thanks. Asante was released from the Hospital on Saturday evening. He is now at home recovering. Thank you for all of your prayers.
Aww that was so brave of him, through all the things that he is experiencing at the moment he recognizes that trouble doesn't last always Go Asante!! God will see you through sweetie.. Stay strong. I'm praying for all of you…
All praise due to God. I am elated to hear that the surgery was a success. Your family continues to be in our prayers, and it is my hope that the power of those prayers comfort you in the same way that the two of you have unknowingly comforted and guided my husband and I.
I have something that I wrote:
Failure is not an option; Faith is a principal by which we live our lives. The ability to blindly push forward when the opposition, whether it be innate or inherited dares to stand in the way, is a true measure of strength and character. Understand and accept that although this life is fated to us…keep Faith that God still enables us to hold the reigns. Find your way Asante!
Keisha Hicklin-Chatman
I am so, so, so happy that surgery was successful and now I hope that all the pain goes away as quickly as possible. Way to go y'all. Sent with Love!!!!!!
Aww I’m so happy!! That’s right Asante these odds maybe against you now but trouble don’t last always!!! I’m praying for you guys…
Yay!!!!!! I'm so excited. Thank you God for a successful surgery. Team Asante!!!