Sexual Healing: 6 Health Benefits From Having Sex With Your Spouse
by The 1 Ms. H.B.I.C. Wake up, wake up, wake up, wake up; let’s make love tonight. Get up, get up, get up, get up; cause you do it right! Marvin Gaye was on to something with his 1982 hit Sexual Healing. Sex can heal or prevent certain ailments. Having sexual intercourse with your spouse is a wonderful and beautiful way to bond. I know that most women are stimulated mentally and if things aren’t right in the relationship, they lose the urge to have sex. However, most men are the opposite. Men are stimulated visually. And, I’ve recently heard that it’s a scientific fact that sperm builds up in the testicles every 72 hours. So ladies, now you see why men want to have sex more than you do, in some cases. Instead of moaning and groaning about it, choose to flip the script and reap the many benefits that Sexual Healing can offer:
#1. Ladies, the next time you have a headache and your spouse wants to have sex, don’t turn him down. Did you know that having an orgasm may relieve that headache for you? It works for men too. Immediately before orgasm, your hormone oxytocin levels rise higher than its normal levels. This releases endorphins which can eliminate most headache pains.
2. Sex is a form of exercise therefore you will burn calories and lose weight. Sex also increases testosterone and that can lead to stronger muscles and bones. Your heart beat raises from 70 beats per minute to 150 beats per minute when you are sexually stimulated and aroused. That’s alot of calorie burning!
3. Sex can reduce the risk of heart disease. Researchers from Queens University conducted a study in 2001 that focused on cardiovascular health. Their studies showed that men who have sex 3 or more times a week cut their risk of having a heart attack or stroke in half.
4. Sex makes you happy. At least it should! 🙂 Sexually active couples enjoy life more. And, Dr. Oz, of the Dr. Oz Show, says that having a healthy sex life with your spouse will actually help you live longer.
5. Sex can reduce stress. Studies have shown that after you orgasm your muscles relax. Those same studies also show that couples who engage in sexual intercourse frequently, fulfilling their urges at least twice a week, are less anxious, violent and hostile. It can be considered the perfect tool to find relaxation and comfort after a long strenuous day at work.
6. Last but not least, sex can boost your immune system. Now, this is only if you are having safe sex in a monogamous relationship, preferably marriage. Orgasms can increase our infection-fighting cells up to 20% says Dr. Dudley Chapman, clinical professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Athens, Ohio.
Sexual pleasure isn’t all fun and games. It can actually improve your individual physical and emotional well-being and definitely improve your physical and emotional well-being as a couple. Continue to strive for the best fulfilling, monogamous relationship you can have. It benefits us more than we know. 😉
B Intentional Family, Did you know there was so much to gain from making love to your spouse? Are there any benefits I misssed? Share what you get physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually from connecting sexually with the one you love.
The 1 Ms. H.B.I.C. (Head Beauty In Charge) is the founding owner of Real Talk With The 1 H. B. I. C., a full entertainment blog site. She is passionate about love and life! Follow her on or contact her at
Forget your blushers and overly expensive face serums gals! If you want a heavenly glow on your skin make sure to get some alone time in with your guy! Regular sex flushes out toxins, improves blood circulation which helps to pump oxygen to your skin and make it brighter. Sweating while having sex cleans the dirt grime form skin pores.
My recent post Longing for sex in pregnancy? Wanna enjoy sexual encounter? Why not!
Hi, Girls! I would like to meet a black love here. Please send mail to me. Thanks!!
I sincerely appreciate all of the feedback! Thank you all for taking the time to comment! *smooches*
I can testify to all the benefite the H.B.I.C. mentioned. As a matter of fact, even when I'm really not in the mood for loving, I do it anyway, because I know I'll feel better mentally afterwards. Its never failed yet, that I regret doing the dang thing. Great article.
Relax, relate, releeeeaaaaaasssseeeeee….. Is what I get out of sex. LOL Sorry if that was crude. Above all appreciate the connection with my lady.
@ Lync, interesting comment. I agree with some of your response. I read it twice and I was wondering what I wrote that sparked your comment. I think your comment should be the Ma'ats next article. I hope others can join the discussion. Thank you for commenting.
This is a great article. You got me in the mood for some Marvin tonight.
Wow I do not mean to put a negative spin on this one because I for one understand this common thing among married couples. I truly do.
However it appears that most people get into personal attacks to one another that leads to separating this beautiful act between the spouse. Taking away this gift that leads to one or the other going outside the marriage not because they want to but! are driven to do so because of the lack of love and understanding between the two.
I don't think it's smart to do this, but when you have a women holding back sex all because she pist at something that causes her to shut down from her husband creating a wedge between the two or a man that complains that his wife is to fat or she not doing something for him and he shuts down for what ever reasons.
I would like to believe there are more understanding couples out there then not, but I doubt it. Because there are way to many stories about he or she cheated because she or he held sex from the other.
Again my apologies for this negative spin on this beautiful fact between a man and a women I believe in this because of that human connection that we need and this is a proven fact.
This seems to go on among Black couples a lot because most of us do not have a clue as of what it means to put the other before yourself because of selfish reasons pick one.
It's always about me, me ,me and if we do not get our way look out! I am just calling it like I see it from one story to the next.
Again this is a beautiful thing that should naturally happen, However the strange thing is we have to go outside our race to get this comfort and I for one feel deeply sorry for our race for this.
An example: Some black women would break their necks doing for a man if he's from another race. And the same for some black men. This is a proven fact. but when you put the spot light on our own race there are problems within and this just sickens me to no end.
Why Is This?
Not all of us but enough of us to make this very true fact. Can anyone explain this? Why are we cruel and empty to one another, lets be real about this please!
And let me say this before I get attacked, there are great examples of black couples around the world but not enough of us by far.
I wish there were more true examples like the owners of this beautiful blog here, They get it they love each other you can tell. It's in their spirit that shines through their conversation to one another, and I mean this. So thank you for being there maybe there is hope.
So again why are we at war with one another. Why is it that something as simple as this, that keeps the spirit fresh and young that we, most of us in the black race just do not understand and miss out living a very stressful life, why is this?
Can we talk about this like adults. Can we convers about this but keep it real, we have deep issues with in, not all but a lot of us do.
lets talk,
thanks for the shout out Lync
I'm late on this one, but have to tell you this Lync. I once heard an older married woman tell someone(about the longevity in her marriage), she said, "It's a lot of happy, black married couples out here, we just don't get enough press". You know, that stuck with me, because I'm happily married, and have been for 15 years, and have several friends (who also got married in the late 90's) who are still together and happy. Like the elder woman said, WE JUST DON'T GET ENOUGH PRESS! This is why sites like this are so important, because we STILL love each other………as a race. We just need to get more visible…