Having Sex With Herpes
VIDEO: Have you just recently learned that you or your partner has an STD? Are you wrestling with the thought of not being able to be intimate with your partner anymore? Are you afraid of contracting or transmitting the STD? Here we discuss how key creativity is in dealing with Herpes and answer a woman who asks “Can I have sex with the man I love and NOT get the disease?”
Thank you.
Thanks for the support…..if people are gonna have sex regardless…it's better to be over informed than uninformed.
.-= Ayize´s last blog ..What Are You Afraid Of? =-.
I have not had time to watch the video but I just wanted to comment on the video title. I admire both of you for addressing this taboo subject. Many people pretend that it does not exist or "I will never date anyone with an STD" or "I know when my mate has something" blah blah blah. Thanks for keeping it real and letting people know, hey people are having sex with herpes (HIV, genital warts, etc). Keep up the good work.