Take Time To Get To Know And Enjoy Yourself And Your Life
By Lana Moline
It’s easy to start this by saying I’ve made some mistakes and then walk you through the lessons learned and wisdom gained. While that may be true, this is not one of those. This is one of the times during the year when my introspection is on full speed. I think about all that I have accomplished and where I am and even what I want the next phase of my life to look like. I think about my family, my husband and how my kids reflect every single dream and desire I have inside of me. I think about how even within my serious projection, I find humor and laugh to myself. I realize that it’s okay being me just as I am. I love the nuances that color my persona such as calling my kids by fruit/sweet names like apple pie or honey bun or even how I trash talk in any game I play even if I am loosing. Truth is, it took me a while to get here but I have to tell you how good this feels.
At lease once a year I do a total fast and by that I mean not only food but electronics, tv and anything that can truly wait. I spend time reading the bible, writing and sleeping. During this time I get to know myself even more intimately and take the time to let go of the things that just need to go. If the weather permits, I spend as much time as I can outside and listen to what God is saying through everything around me. That’s an amazing experience and when the end comes I always wish for one more day.
I share this because I was told that reading my site is like reading a page from your journal. I am grateful to God for trusting me with this gift and every time I sit down to write, I desire to please Him in honor and truth. I encourage anyone who is reading this to take some time to really get to know and enjoy yourself and your life. There is no certainty as to the amount of time we have left to make an impact. It is important that we decide how we can stand where we are and shine our lights. I’ve never professed to be profound and if you’ve ever had a conversation you can agree that I proclaim quite the opposite. My mission stems from yielding to the Master, closing my eyes and following His promptings.
As I end this page of my journal, I offer to you my birthday mandate. For this entire day, find the joy in everything and celebrate with me. Then each day that the sun rises again promise me that the celebration will not end and that you will enjoy the rest of your days with you.
Peace and blessings,
Lana Moline is an integral part of the Blackloveandmarriage.com writing team, freelance writer and poet who lives in Ft. Worth with her three kids and husband Emile. Married 11 years, both media professionals have vowed to maintain integrity in all aspects of print and broadcast journalism.Visit her at Lana Moline Speaks.
I'm a trash talker too lol. Happy Birthday : )
Aint nothing wrong with talking a lil trash! Thanks for the birthday wish!
happy birthday sis! I love your work.
Thank you sis. I appreciate you!