VIDEO: Simply Beautiful! Husband & Wife Record The Home Water Birth Of Baby Number 7!
By Aiyana Ma’at
Bringing a new life into the world is one of the most beautiful and life changing experiences a couple can have. I remember the birth of each of my 4 children and I promise you–it was as if the universe shifted (as did my consciousness and awareness) each and every time. Motherhood is truly a gift and I am enjoying the presents in my 4 little ones each and every day. 🙂
A few weeks back one of our wonderful twitter followers sent us a video of a mom & dad of 6 (now 7) having a Home Water Birth. This family recorded their experience and shared it on YOUTUBE. And, it was moving to say the least. So, all of you mommies (and mommies to be) out there, sit back and take a few moments to take in the birth of the Ysrayl family’s newest addition Nasir Inash.
We will be releasing our interview with this young beautiful married couple later this week. You’ll get a peek inside of how they work together at raising their large family and how they stay connected as a couple amidst all of the responsibilities that come with being Mommy & Daddy. Visit mom of 7, Shamiparyah Ysrayl’s, website for more about her experience. Enjoy the birth of Nasir!
Editor’s Note: Home Birth’s are a deeply debated issue in the United States. We encourage you to always do your own research and seek the advice of a medical professional you trust. Following are some resources for those considering the possibility of a home or water birth:
Click HERE to visit Shamiparyah’s website which she says “was created out of my desire to be more effective in answering the many inquiries that I’ve received over the last couple of years. The answers and suggestions given are simply based upon my years of research and the application thereof in my personal life and in those of my household.”
Ckick HERE to read an article published in the Los Angeles Times titled: At Home Birth has Pros and Cons
Click HERE to read the American Medical Association’s Position on Home Birthing.
Click HERE to read information about Home Birthing from the American Pregnancy Association.
Read HOME BIRTH: An Annotated Guide To The Literature published by the Division of Midwifery in the Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia in collaboration with the American College of Nurse-Midwives and the Midwives Alliance of North America.
I want to have a home water birth. I brought the idea up to hubby and my mom who are both extremely hesitant. My mom keeps saying "you were born in the hospital, and you came out fine". Um yeah mom and you needed an epidural, your water broke 2 weeks before I was born, and they had to vacuum me out. Not my idea of a serene experience. Hubby just knows his mom (and he) will laugh at me being in a kiddie pool but I keep telling him that's not how it has to be.
Either way, I'm sticking with the plan. I want to have a natural birth and I've done my research, while they haven't. I think it's such an empowering experience and moment, and I just can't wait to experience it (you know, in a year or 2).
My recent post Weekend Love 7: Yakezie Member
I believe in natural birth, I gave birth to an 11 lb 3 oz baby naturally and went home the same day. I used Doulas and Midwives and I had safe healthy pregnancies. In Boston we have Cambridge Birthing Center it looks like hotel rooms where you can bring music, candles, all the family you want. You can deliver at home, in the bath or in the shower, a birthing chair, on and on… I love natural birth! Black women in slavery gave birth at home and were so strong they returned to the cotton fields soon after with their babies strapped to their backsides! Woman power!!!! i went home just hours after every birth!