4 Ways To Put The Passion Back In Your Marriage
By Scot Means
Would you describe your marriage as being full of passion? Would you like it to be?
Whether you are newly married or, like my wife and me, have been married for 30 years, let me assure you that a passionate marriage is not only possible but is well within your reach.
What is passion, exactly? Passion is simply a prevailing presence of powerful positive emotions. Going way beyond a steamy sex life, a passionate marriage is one in which there is an underlying sense of excitement and fervor; one that is full of intensity, joyfulness and unbridled enthusiasm in both sexual and non-sexual dimensions of your relationship.
How do you stir up and keep passion alive? It starts with desire. You have to want it. You have to be deliberate about going after a passionate, intimate marriage, and be willing to do whatever it takes to reach that goal. Engaging your heart fully in the joyful pursuit of a passionate marriage is the first step toward attaining it.
Maybe you’re thinking, “That’s all great, but what can I actually do to grow or renew the passion in my marriage?”
I’ve come up with four key ways to pump up the passion in any relationship. Share them with your spouse, and give them a shot. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised and rewarded by the outcome.
1) Pursuit. Never stop pursuing your husband or wife. Men, let me clue you in: relentlessly pestering your wife for sex does not constitute pursuit—at least not when it comes to most wives I’m aware of. Ladies, you know that you want to be pursued by your husband regardless of how long you’ve been married (and perhaps even more so the longer you are married), but did you know that your husband also wants to be pursued?
However, there is a difference between the way men and women define pursuit. Pursuit, to most men, means feeling desired (ladies, read that as “sex”) and affirmed through respect and appreciation. Most women, on the other hand, are more likely to want to be pursued through time, attention and tender affection (guys, read that as “romance”).
Pursuit pointers:
-Write a love letter, but write the kind of letter that your spouse would want, which may not necessarily be one you would want to receive. Ask yourself, “What would best say ‘I love you’ to him or her?”
-Plan a date that revolves around something your spouse enjoys. Surprise your husband with tickets to his favorite sporting event, or your wife with concert or show tickets. Hint: it looks more like pursuit if it isn’t something you would normally pick out for yourself.
-Bring home a small gift out of the blue, for no occasion in particular.
-Initiate sex in a creative way, especially if your spouse is the one who does most of the initiating.
2) Playfulness. When was the last time you did something with the purposeful intention of just having fun together? Can you recall the last time you laughed together? Do you ever try something new or exciting just because you wanted to add a little spice to your relationships? You can help keep passion alive by occasionally being playful or adventurous and stepping outside your normal routine. Routine squashes passion. Raise the passion level in your marriage with a little wonder, a splash of creativity or an occasional dose of excitement.
Playfulness pointers:
-See a funny movie together, or take in a comedy show.
-Pick a new restaurant at random (there are some great smartphone apps for doing just that).
-Have sex in a new location or position.
-Plan a surprise overnight getaway and kidnap your husband or wife without warning.
-Check into a hotel for an afternoon rendezvous.
-Let your hair down and get silly: have a pillow fight or a tickle war.
3) Positivity. A daily dose of genuine thankfulness can work wonders for keeping passion alive. It is easy and natural to focus on what annoys you about your wife or husband or on what he or she is not doing that you think they should, but it’s almost impossible for passion and intimacy to coexist with such negativity. It is a total passion-killer for both of you. The best way to fight off those negative thoughts is to develop a habit of being grateful and appreciative. It’s not enough just to avoid speaking and thinking negatively. You also need to guard against taking the good parts of your marriage for granted, which tends to happen over time. Make it a point to voice your thanks and appreciation, out loud and frequently, both to your spouse and to others.
Positivity pointers:
-Let your spouse know how much you desire them by being generous with compliments about their physical appearance. (Hint for husbands: your wife is likely in a serious body-image battle, even if you think she has no reason to be.)
-Thank each other specifically for routine responsibilities, such as cooking, yard work, laundry, auto care, driving the kids, etc.
-Keep a running list (perhaps on your phone, journal or computer) of things you are thankful for about your spouse and your marriage, and then make it a habit to communicate your gratitude regularly.
-Mix up the ways you let them know how much you appreciate them: in person, via text, handwritten note, phone message or social media.
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I love this article. I have been with my husband for 10 years. We had some ups and downs, and right now we're at a point of rebuilding our marriage. I believe your pointers are exactly what we need right now.
Thank you!