Looking For Love And Finding Frustration Instead? WebMD Says Five Steps Increase Your Chances.

As you get to know us at B Intentional better and listen to our videos and read our articles you’ll notice  a trend or theme in our opinions and analysis’. We almost always tie whatever issue someone’s dealing with back to personal self knowledge, personal insight, and personal growth. We are firm believers in the fact that we all create our realties every single second of every minute of every day. So, it stands to reason that the issues and dilemmas we all experience in life, for the most part, can in some way, shape, or form be tied back to ourselves.

So, it is when it comes to finding that special someone. We all want someone who we actually enjoy spending time with, who excites us, who stimulates our mind, and makes us want to do and be better. Well, if you’re one of the many folks out there who would love to have someone worthwhile in your life but haven’t ha much luck finding them—stress no more. What you need to do after reading this article is sit down some where quiet and begin the process of truly getting to know yourself. When you really know yourself you can better know what it is you’re looking for and not waste precious time on people who are just not worth it.

From WebMD:

In the pilot for the ABC television show Desperate Housewives, character Gabrielle Solis (she’s the beautiful ex-model with the gorgeous rich husband, big house, and bottomless bank account) sets the tone for the series with this simple but poignant statement about her marriage:

“I have everything I wanted — but I wanted all the wrong things.”

More than just a catchy phrase, you don’t have to be an unhappy (or desperate) housewife to get what she means. Indeed, when it comes to choosing a life partner, experts say too many of us remain clueless about what we really want and need — one reason so few of us seem to find it!

“We go round and round, and we date and we date some more and we think, yes! We have finally found the secret to landing that perfect mate. And still the divorce rate goes higher and higher,” says psychologist Gilda Carle, PhD, associate professor at Mercy College and author of Don’t Bet on the Prince — How to Have the Man You Want by Betting on Yourself. Clearly, says Carle, something is going wrong.

If you’ve already figured that part out yourself, take heart. Psychologists say the key to getting off the dating merry-go-round often requires nothing more than taking time to get to know yourself before you try to get to know someone else.

Here are five ways to help you do just that:

Define your core values.

Understand your emotional needs.

Identify your love pattern.

Test drive a potential relationship.

Once dating, go in for a three-month checkup.

1. Define Your Core Values: Understanding your core values is at the heart of truly knowing your needs. “These are the things about yourself that are not likely to change. They are the tenets you grew up believing and that deep down inside still seem to fit into your life no matter what else changes,” says JoAnne White, PhD, a therapist and instructor at Temple University.

Indeed, White tells WebMD that no matter how many qualities you put on your list of “must haves,” nothing matters quite so much as finding someone who shares your core values. “In the end, they represent who you are and what you need. They are the deal breakers,” says White. While core values are different for every person, they often touch on such personal issues as:

The desire to have children

Religious beliefs

How you deal with money

How you make important decisions

The importance you place on honesty, integrity, fidelity

Even how you view divorce itself

And while we all have heard that opposites attract — and experts say they do — when it comes to the really big issues in our life, shared values are still what count the most.

To read more of this article CLICK HERE.

1 reply
  1. Kara
    Kara says:

    Know yourself first. So true!!!

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