By Aiyana Ma’at Life really is nothing but a big ol’ school with all kinds of classes to take and lessons to learn. I’ll admit that I looooove a lesson. I’ve always had an appreciation for the deeper hidden meaning and purpose underneath and behind things. Ask my husband and my kids. They’ll tell you […] Ma'at Ma'at2019-10-20 01:46:222020-12-16 15:48:063 Really Important Lessons Being A Wife & Mommy Have Taught Me…
What’s up Fam, Hope you’re doing well today. I’m doing pretty good. I had a moment this morning that made me realize something special about myself. Truth be told, it actually put me in sync with something that I already knew….but really don’t always pay that much attention to. Check it…..I was laying in the […] Ma'at Ma'at2019-10-19 14:45:152019-10-22 22:38:04I’ve Discovered That I Have Super Powers…..And You Do Too!!
I’m in love with a man that is disabled . We have been together for over 3 years. Everyone on my side hates him because they say I should be with a man that can support me. I personally love him dearly. He’s great with my children and is loyal and loving to me. As I see it he gives this […] 12:50:452019-10-23 15:48:04I’m In Love With A Man Who Is Disabled
On 5/19/2019 I had the fortunate experience of attending a Q & A following a screening at the SVA Theatre of Ava Duvernay’s “When They See Us”. This 4 part mini series is a dramatic depiction of Korey Wise, Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, and Raymond Santana’s youth being stolen from them as they […] Ma'at Ma'at2019-05-22 20:41:272019-05-22 20:50:53Fatherhood and The Central Park Five
Whether you have a boo or not we want to give you a shout out for being intentional about being in relationship. We know your journey isn’t always pretty or always ugly…’s always a little bit of both. We salute you for pressing forward and representing “real love”. 23:17:532019-01-18 14:49:18How Are You Representing Your Relationship?
Pssst. We’ve got a secret for you. You’ve got to prioritize your relationship. There will always be stress of some sort that you’re dealing with (even the good kind). 04:52:452019-03-24 11:08:46Pushing Through Chaos To Experience Connection
There are certain times in marriage when your spouse needs you. More than they might normally need you. And what do I mean by need you? Well, it can look a number of ways. Every person is different. Perhaps they need you to whisper words of encouragement and confidence when they are having a really tough […] 09:59:572019-01-18 14:49:19How To Know When Your Spouse Really Needs You To Be There 04:28:072019-01-18 15:06:01Be Patient With Your Process!
By Ayize Ma’at Recently I spoke for Men’s Day about the role and responsibilities men have to their wife and children. My children were in attendance and I wanted to see if they retained the lesson and grasped the significance of the principles that I spoke on…the principles of Ma’at. It’s so important that we […]
/in Love & Marriage/by wadminw革新的な社会では、各国の資金は相互に密接に関係しており、金融はこの多目的な国際金融関係の組織において主導的な役割を果たしています。アメリカドルであれ、ユーロであれ、イギリスポンドであれ、日本円であれ、グローバル単位は、各国間の交換要素であるだけでなく、世界貿易、投資における主要な資産でもあります。そして金融秩序。お金は世界市場での商品やサービスの価格を決定し、国家の金融戦略に影響を与え、世界経済関係を改善します。お金に関するさらに役立つ記事については、 Web ポータル にアクセスしてください。ここには多くの資料が掲載されています。日本語で。 お金 州 (法人である場合) 有名人 英国ポンド&ポンド; イギリス 重要 アメリカドル アメリカ 重要 日本円 日本 重要 カナダ ドル (CAD) カナダ 重要 スイス フラン (CHF) スイス 重要 ユーロ ユーロ圏 重要 ほとんどの場合、各国には国境内での法的な支払い手段となる独自の通貨があります。これにより、政府はインフレ格付け、金利、為替レートとともに、政府の支払いと借入の政策を規制する機会が与えられる。個人通貨の存在は、国家が経済状況の変化に適応し、支払いの安定性と改善を促進するために不可欠な自給自足の通貨システムを実行できる能力を示しています。しかし、世界経済のグローバル化と相互依存の状況では、国内通貨レートの不安定性は、個々の国家だけでなく、世界全体にも大規模な影響を与える可能性があります。 さまざまな国の通貨の主なタスク: 管理単位: 通貨は製品やサービスの価値の一般的な尺度を提供し、さまざまな特典の価格と価値を比較できるようになります。 金融戦略の手段: 正式な規制機関(大手銀行など)は金融を通じて、支払いオプション、金利、インフレを管理することで経済に影響を与えることができます。 収集手段: ユニットは長期にわたって価格を維持できるため、社会は将来の使用に備えて供給物を保持または蓄積できます。 相互利益の方法: 通貨は社会に製品やサービスを受け取り、販売する機会を提供し、それによって多様な参加者間の商取引を促進します。 後払いレベル: 通貨は、将来の負債や義務を測定し返済する一般的に受け入れられている方法として使用されます。 米ドル アメリカドルは国際経済で疑いもなくナンバーワンの通貨であり、世界的な口座、販売の基礎単位であり、市場全体の大手銀行の主要な準備単位でもあります。 1792 年に流通を開始した米ドルは、経済の安定性と信頼性の指標となりました。その優位性は、米国の世界最高位の経済だけでなく、国際石油取引やその他の原材料分野などの国際通貨戦略での利用によって正当化されています。米ドルは個人的に広く普及しており、世界的に受け入れられているため、大規模な金融戦略において重要な手段となり、国や大陸間の貿易や投資を促進します。 ユニットの歴史と改良 世界経済の発展の中で、販売、政治、発明における変革を再現しながら、ユニットは開発において長い道のりを歩んできました。個々の通貨は世界的に認知されるようになり、世界中の支払い業務で重要な役割を果たし、支払いと予約の優先リソースとなりました。情報 Web ポータル Znaki.FM では、日本に関するデータベース全体にアクセスできます。アメリカドル、ユーロ、イギリスポンド、日本円は、国際レベルに達し、世界的な決済システムに必要な要素となっている通貨の例です。一方で、多くの公的単位は国境を越えて広く普及することなく、自国の国内で一般的に使用され続けた。これは、国の支払い規模、通貨の安定性、政府および金融戦略など、さまざまな要因によるものです。 ポーランドPLN ポーランド […]
3 Really Important Lessons Being A Wife & Mommy Have Taught Me…
/in Black Family, Love & Marriage/by A Ma'atBy Aiyana Ma’at Life really is nothing but a big ol’ school with all kinds of classes to take and lessons to learn. I’ll admit that I looooove a lesson. I’ve always had an appreciation for the deeper hidden meaning and purpose underneath and behind things. Ask my husband and my kids. They’ll tell you […]
I’ve Discovered That I Have Super Powers…..And You Do Too!!
/in Love & Marriage/by A Ma'atWhat’s up Fam, Hope you’re doing well today. I’m doing pretty good. I had a moment this morning that made me realize something special about myself. Truth be told, it actually put me in sync with something that I already knew….but really don’t always pay that much attention to. Check it…..I was laying in the […]
I’m In Love With A Man Who Is Disabled
/in Ask The Maat's Real Questions...Real Answers, Love & Marriage/byI’m in love with a man that is disabled . We have been together for over 3 years. Everyone on my side hates him because they say I should be with a man that can support me. I personally love him dearly. He’s great with my children and is loyal and loving to me. As I see it he gives this […]
Fatherhood and The Central Park Five
/in Fatherhood, Love & Marriage/by A Ma'atOn 5/19/2019 I had the fortunate experience of attending a Q & A following a screening at the SVA Theatre of Ava Duvernay’s “When They See Us”. This 4 part mini series is a dramatic depiction of Korey Wise, Yusef Salaam, Kevin Richardson, Antron McCray, and Raymond Santana’s youth being stolen from them as they […]
How Are You Representing Your Relationship?
/in Love & Marriage/byWhether you have a boo or not we want to give you a shout out for being intentional about being in relationship. We know your journey isn’t always pretty or always ugly…’s always a little bit of both. We salute you for pressing forward and representing “real love”.
Pushing Through Chaos To Experience Connection
/in Ask The Maat's Real Questions...Real Answers, Love & Marriage, Quality Time/byPssst. We’ve got a secret for you. You’ve got to prioritize your relationship. There will always be stress of some sort that you’re dealing with (even the good kind).
How To Know When Your Spouse Really Needs You To Be There
/in Emotional Intimacy & Connection, Love & Marriage/byThere are certain times in marriage when your spouse needs you. More than they might normally need you. And what do I mean by need you? Well, it can look a number of ways. Every person is different. Perhaps they need you to whisper words of encouragement and confidence when they are having a really tough […]
Be Patient With Your Process!
/in Love & Marriage/byFamily Meals Create Strong Children
/in Love & Marriage/byBy Ayize Ma’at Recently I spoke for Men’s Day about the role and responsibilities men have to their wife and children. My children were in attendance and I wanted to see if they retained the lesson and grasped the significance of the principles that I spoke on…the principles of Ma’at. It’s so important that we […]