Boris Kodjoe Tweets Advice On How To Be A Man And How To Love A Woman
By Team BLAM
Happily married actor, Boris Kodjoe in response to a friends tweets about what to look for in a man, chimed in with a list of his own on how to be a man and how to love a woman. We give major props to Boris because he unashamedly represents marriage in a positive way and has no problem affirming his wife Nicole Arie Parker.
“- Embrace your imperfections
– Laugh at yourself. A woman likes a man who doesn’t take himself too serious.
– Fix or build something with your hands. It’ll show her that you are capable of taking care of a home.
– Know how to cook and clean. It’ll show her that you don’t need her but that you WANT her.
– Get your passport and travel. A man needs to see the world.
– Communicate without cursing. You don’t need to curse to make a point. Cursing shows lack of substance.
– In bed, take care of your woman first. When she’s satisfied you are DA MAN!!!
– Stay in shape. It’ll show her that you care about yourself and therefore are able to care about her.
– Take care of your responsibilities. Anything less is unacceptable. A boy is irresponsible, not a man.
– Open her her door and pull out her chair. It shows her that you honor traditional values. Trust me, she will do the same.
– Be present! Take her in with your eyes and ears. Your attention will make her feel loved and she won’t ever nag you.
– Read a f—ing book! (Sorry, violation of ‘no cursing’ rule) But seriously, ignorance is a major turn-off. Book on tape will do.
– Have an ambition. You don’t need to be rich but you need to show direction and motivation. Keep a job!
– Last one for today: Treat a woman the way you would want your daughter to be treated. Anything less is unacceptable.”
Ladies you may want to show this list to your man! Fellas if you’re reading this, take note.
YEs Sir i totally agree that was wroded beautiful i pray and hope that many men see this post and start living by it and stop all that cheating and be faithful to the one they already have…
Excellent Boris, Excellent. You are a beautiful family~
He who does not read is forever blind because his eyes do not open to see the light which is KNOWLEDGE …..
Love it! Beautiful words from a man who obviously lives what he's talking about.
Boris…sho'nuff knows about what it takes to please a woman! Oh yeah!!!
Beautiful except he forgot one thing God must be the center…