Was Ebony Magazine Irresponsible In Accusing Pastor Jamal Bryant Of Impregnating A Teen Girl In His Congregation?

As dynamic of a pastor as he is, Pastor Jamal Bryant F@ck#d up…..and he admits that.  He admits that an act of infidelity in 2007 led to the end of his marriage.  He takes full responsibility for his actions and has worked to atone for his transgressions.

However, last week, Pastor Dr. Jamal Bryant wrote an open letter to EBONY magazine titled, “Pastor Jamal Bryant Rebukes EBONY,” rebuking a story printed in their March 2013 issue, which accused him of impregnating a teenage member of his congregation.

In the letter, Bryant called the accusation that he slept with a minor, “categorically and completely untrue.”

Pastor Bryant writes:

For 67 years Ebony Magazine has been the drum beat for culture in the African American community. John Johnson its beloved founder dedicated his life to safe guarding our image with great integrity.

The March 2013 edition has left a hole in my heart. On page 124 they published that it’s alleged I impregnated a 17-year-old member of my church. This accusation is categorically and completely untrue. To publish this with absolutely no source lends itself to reckless endangerment to my children, my congregation and my community.

Ebony is not the National Enquirer. A higher standard is required and the statement jeopardizes my ministry to the youth in my church and community. So it is on moral grounds that a retraction is necessary.

In 2007 I participated in an extramarital affair that resulted ultimately in the termination of my marriage to my incredible wife Gizelle. NO minors were involved but my minor children have been affected. I don’t want them to have to live through any further unnecessary pain.

Matthew 18:15 say’s if your brother has sinned against you go and tell him his fault. I solicit your continued prayers for my family, forgiveness for myself and accountability from Ebony magazine.

Flawed but faithful. I remain,
Jamal- Harrison Bryant
(A Father and Pastor)

Here’s Ebony Magazine’s response to Pastor Jamal Bryant’s letter:

“Our ‘Scandals’ package in the March 2013 issue is meant to be a look at some of the more outrageous accusations and events in African-American culture. With this particular story, we examined actual incidents as well as reported rumors which have captured the attention of our community throughout the years. In some cases, the allegations were never verified; however, the very fact that they went public constituted scandal.

We understand that Dr. Jamal H. Bryant is now getting inquiries regarding a rumor we referenced in the magazine. We published the outrageous allegation as it was scandalous, not because it was confirmed. We did not intend to offend Dr. Bryant, and hope that our readers understand the spirit in which the editorial comment was presented.”

BLAM Fam what are your thoughts?  Did Ebony Magazine go to far?

Jada Pinkett Smith Gives Tough Love Advice To A Friend About Loving Your Husband’s Children

What’s up BLAM Fam,

Check out this letter that Jada Pinkett Smith wrote to a friend who’s dealing with some blended family issues.  Let us know what you think.  Was it too in your face?  Was it on point…and what a lot of other women need to hear?

A letter to a friend:

Blended families are NEVER easy, but here’s why I don’t have a lot of sympathy for your situation because… we CHOOSE them. When I married Will, I knew Trey was part of the package…Period! If I didn’t want that…I needed to marry someone else. Then I learned if I am going to love Trey…I had to learn to love the most important person in the world to him…his mother. And the two of us may not have always LIKED each other… but we have learned to LOVE each other.

I can’t support any actions that keep a man from his children of a previous marriage. These are the situations that separate the women from the girls. Your behavior is that of an insecure child who needs to recognize her own weaknesses that MUST be strengthened to take on the task at hand. We can’t say we love our man and then come in between him and his children. THAT’S selfishness…NOT love. WOMAN UP… I’ve been there…I know. My blended family made me a giant… Taught me so much about love, commitment and it has been the biggest ego death to date. It’s time you let your blended family make you the giant you truly are.

Viola Davis Says “Prayer” Was The Secret To Her Finding Her Husband

At a premiere for her latest movie, “Beautiful Creatures,” Oscar nominated actress Viola Davis revealed to Page Six her secret to finding a husband.

Davis told Page Six:

“I was the loneliest woman in the world, and someone said, ‘You should just pray for a husband.’ ”

She took her pal’s advice, adding, “I said I wanted a big black man from the South who looked like a football player, who already had children, who maybe had been married before . . . 3 1/2 weeks later I met my husband.”

Davis wed actor and former college football player Julius Tennon in 2003, and they adopted a child last year.

BLAM Fam what do you think?  Do you think prayer is the recipe for finding and maintaining relationship success?

Angela Bassett Talks About Being Married, Being A Mother, And The Sequel To Waiting To Exhale

We love Angela Bassett.  She’s a dynamic actress that has a remarkable gift to keep you glued to the screen while she’s doing her thang.  Not too many actors can play the roles of both Betty Shabazz and Coretta Scott King.  But…Angela can and has managed to do both well.  Last week she stopped by the Wendy Williams show and talked about being married to Courtney, motherhood, and the sequel to “Waiting To Exhale”.  Check it out and let us know what you think.

Bernard Pollard, His Wife, And His Beliefs On Gay Marriage

By Team BLAM

Just recently Bernard Pollard caused quite a media stir when he spoke of the probability that the NFL will no longer exist in about 30 years.  He reported to CBSsports.com,

“Thirty years from now, I don’t think it will be in existence. I could be wrong. It’s just my opinion, but I think with the direction things are going — where [NFL rules makers] want to lighten up, and they’re throwing flags and everything else — there’s going to come a point where fans are going to get fed up with it,” he told the website.

“Guys are getting fined, and they’re talking about, ‘Let’s take away the strike zone’ and ‘Take the pads off’ or ‘Take the helmets off.’ It’s going to be a thing where fans aren’t going to want to watch it anymore.”

Bernard’s comments about the longevity of the league have many people (media analyst) questioning the durability and sustainability of the NFL in it’s current state. However, those aren’t the only comments Bernard has made that have caused a media frenzy.  Back in November, after making some comments about gay marriage, Bernard posted a message to his twitter account titled, “Our Affirmation of Marriage”.  In his message, he shared his biblically based view on marriage and had several of his team mates sign it.  This has undoubtedly caused unease inside and outside the locker room.

Bernard and Meghan Pollard have two children together, son Jaylen and daughter Alonna. The family runs Pollard’s Helping Hands Foundation, which focuses on providing meals for children in urban areas (primarily focused in the cities he’s played in).







Congratulations!!! Kandi Burruss Says YES!!!

Wedding bells will be ringing for singer-songwriter-producer Kandi Burruss, who is one of the regular castmembers on Bravo’s hit reality series The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

Burruss’ boyfriend Todd Tucker, whom she met in 2011 while he worked on the production crew ofHousewives, popped the question on New Year’s Day at their Atlanta home.

“I was totally surprised,” Burruss tells Us Weeklyabout the proposal.

CLICK HERE to read more

We at BLAM wish you both the best.

Ray Lewis Is In Relationship With …..?

from PlayerWives.com

Ray Lewis has spent 16 years terrorizing offenses in the AFC, and now it might be time for him to terrorize single ladies in the Mid-Atlantic region. Ray Lewis’ girlfriends and wives have often been the same thing: the game of football, and the Baltimore Ravens. As he embarks on his last trip through the AFC playoffs before riding off into the sunset, we would be remiss to not take a look through his personal life. Unfortunately, despite all of our efforts to unearth Ray Lewis’ wife, or Ray Lewis’ girlfriend, the search has turned out very little.

This isn’t to say Lewis hasn’t had his share of successes off the field as well. Lewis has fathered six children with four different women. One Ray Lewis’ girlfriend who has stood the test of time is Tatyana McCall, the mother to three of his children. The couple met at Miami, and she’s clearly proud of the relationship she built with the Ravens leader. In an interview with Sports Illustrated in 2006, McCall described Lewis:

“Ray has a huge heart and will help anybody in need if he’s able. I would be remiss if I didn’t say I was proud to be the mother of his kids. It’s not always easy, but I am very proud.”

McCall is the mother to Ray Lewis III. III is the elder Lewis’ oldest child, and is a standout prep school football player who has already committed to play for The U next fall. Apparently the times that weren’t so easy continued to build as the couple did separate. As previously noted, Lewis did father three other children with three different women. The only other name we could find is Kimberly Arnold, and details of their relationship are incredibly sparse. The couple was not together as of the 2013 date of this posting. Just about the only female constant is Ray Lewis’ mother, Sunseria “Buffy” Smith.

CLICK HERE to read more.

T.J. Holmes And Wife Marilee Welcome A New Baby Girl!

We at BLAM want to congratulate former CNN anchor turned BET host T.J. Holmes and his lawyer wife Marilee who welcomed a new baby girl into this world this past Friday.   The newborn’s name is Sabine and she weighs in at 7 lbs 8 oz and measures 20 3/8″ in length.

According to YBF.com:

We’re told mom and baby are doing well and are perfectly healthy.

T.J. will likely remain in Atlanta with his family until work starts back up for him.  As for when his BET show “Don’t Sleep” will return with the new weekly 1-hour shows the network discussed, a date has yet to be confirmed. 

T.J. and Marilee, we at BLAM truly wish yall the best!


Kobe Bryant and Wife Vanessa Call Off Divorce!!

By Team BLAM

This is what we’re talking about….fight, fight, and fight till you can’t fight no more.  Of course when we say fight we’re speaking metaphorically : )  But in all fairness that’s what it feels like sometimes when you’re going through difficult shit in your relationship.  It feels constant…it feels unbearable….it feels overwhelming…it feels like “I CAN’T TAKE NO DAMN MORE”!  But can you?…really can you?  Vanessa could’ve left after the rape allegation, or any of his other indiscretions…AND SHE WOULD HAVE BEEN JUSTIFIED!!.  But she didn’t. Kobe apologized, expressed remorse, and recommitted himself to the relationship and they’ve finally arrived at the point where the divorce has been called off.  Keep on pushin’ yall!

In a joint statement to omg! Insider’s Kevin Frazier, the couple said:

“We are pleased to announce that we have reconciled,” “Our divorce action will be dismissed. We are looking forward to our future together.”


What’s The Reason Behind The Kevin Garnett And Carmelo Anthony Spat?

By Ayize Ma’at

The other day when the Kevin Garnett and Melo beef first broke, like most other dudes in America, my initial thought was…it’s probably got something to do with someone’s wife.  Why?.. Well it’s sad to say….but many men push buttons to elevate their own sense of self and consequentially most men only go up in arms when it comes to disrespecting their money or their honey.  They’ve both got a bunch of “bread” so deductive reasoning led me to the thought that someone spoke sideways out their mouth about the other’s woman.  Well…since that time rumors have been swirling and according to a couple of sources there’s drama in the Anthony home and apparently during the game Kevin Garnett said something slick (LaLa taste like cheerios) to Carmelo Anthony.  With that being said…come on black fam…we’re better than this.  Kevin, you’re my man but if the rumors are true…that ain’t cool.  Carmelo and LaLa…if yall need some help working through some things…hit us up.  Yall can make it work if you’re willing to make it work.