First Lady Michelle Obama Speaks Wise Words To Young Girls That We Can Definitely Apply To Our Marriages
By Team BLAM
First Lady Michelle Obama recently traveled to South Africa and Botswana with daughters Malia & Sasha. While there she spoke to a group of young women who were participants in the African Women’s Forum and were apparently heavily impacted by her words to them while there.
In the October issue of Ebony Magazine they capture some of those words. And as I read them while laying on my bed in my room I found myself deeply moved as If I were there sitting next to those girls as they listened to our First Lady’s every word. And as I took the words and message in, it hit me–these words are just as relevant and appropriate for us married folks out here trying to get it right. Amazing! Read on for a little of what she said as she used Mandela’s life as a platform to inspire and empower…
“Mandela has lived through a struggle that few nations know. … There must have been moments in that jail when he thought, “This is too slow.” I am so tired. And this is never going to work,” she said. “But … if we see Mandela as hope, we would see the slowness not as a reason to stop and be impatient but to keep moving, and not get so caught up in the immediacy.”
….”The only that happens in an instant is destruction. … Build something…earthquake; it’s gone. But everything else requires time. Raising children, building a family, having a career: All of it takes time. I want all of you to continue to work fiercely, and to be impatient. But don’t let the struggle discourage you because it’s hard. It’s supposed to be hard.”
Great words of wisdom. So many people forget marriage has ups and DOWNS, ins and OUTS but you're in it together.
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