FREE WEBINAR: Ayize & Aiyana Share How To Use Your Passion & Blogging To Make A Living-11/3 @9:15pm

By Ayize & Aiyana


Join us for this FREE WEBINAR to hear more about the opportunity that is changing lives (mentally & financially) all over the world!


Whether you want to start an online business

for the first time, already have a business or

product that you want to start marketing online,

or just want to build an internet presence for yourself or your business—it can all be done—very SIMPLY.


When we started out online over 3 years ago we had to figure EVERYTHING OUT OURSELVES….how to create a website (because we sure weren’t going to pay $1500 for someone to make one for us!), how to market online and have our brand and services noticed by the right people…. on and on. It was just a lot. But, we’ve learned a lot along the way….and we’re sharing all of it now to help others do what they love and have what they want through the use of blogging and social media.


There really are SIMPLE steps–but if you don’t know them…you just don’t know! We feel blessed to have been as successful as we have and we know we must give back and share the secrets of that success with others. It’s called the Law of Reciprocity….look it up. 😉


We are now helping people very simply and efficiently take their idea, business, brand or message to another level online and we are so excited to be doing it!!!!!!


Webinar Details:


 OR call in using your telephone.

United States: +1 (213) 289-0012


What will we be sharing during the webinar?


– How important it is to make sure that anything you do has YOUR “WHY” attached to it….WHY are you doing this?


– How we can help you succeed no matter what you do or what your focus is.


– Why it is ESSENTIAL to utilize the web to expand your reach more efficiently.


Why it simply isn’t an option to NOT have a website that is not only up and running but WELL-POSITIONED in the vast world wide web.


– How simple it is to have all of this QUICKLY when you have step by step guidance.


– How being mentored by us even if your Brand NEW to the online world with NO EXPERIENCE can get you amazing results if you just commit and follow the steps we give you.


– Q & A Session where you can ask us ANYTHING.


See you Sunday!

1 reply
  1. Shamar
    Shamar says:

    I loved the webinar last night. You all gave great info and I love your energy. I'll definitely be joining the team.

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