*Giveaway Alert* FREE Assessment & Plan For 1 Couple
By Ayize Ma’at
What’s up Fam,
B Intentional, LLC in conjunction with Howard University’s School of Social Work MSW Program is offering a FREE relationship (psycho-social) assessment, case plan, and genogram for 1 couple.
We feel that the fastest and most efficient way to fix a broken relationship is to first get a clear understanding of why it’s broken. You may currently be in a healthy relationship that could use a dose of passion. You may currently be in a hum drum relationship that is weighing heavily on your heart as you watch the days and years slowly pass by. You may be ready to walk out the door and turn towards a new life as you turn your back on your relationship. Whatever the need….WE ARE HERE TO HELP.
Our standard Relationship Assessment, usually sold for $87, is being offered for FREE as a part of Howard University’s Master’s of Social Work Program case presentation assignment.
*Note* Your identity will be kept strictly confidential (pseudonyms will be used to protect your identity.)
The assignment consist of a recorded interview, either by phone, video, or paper where questions will be asked about you and the presenting problem in your relationship.
A group of 5 Howard MSW students will review your answers to the interview questions and use a therapeutic approach to prepare for you and the class (10 students) a psycho-social assessment, case plan, and genogram upon completion of the assignment.
The benefit to you is that you can use this information to better understand who you are, why you are where you are in your relationship, and what you can do to improve the quality of your relationship.
You will receive a copy of the Relationship/Psycho-social Assessment, case plan, and genogram within 30 days of the interview.
*Note* I (Ayize Ma’at) will be conducting the interview.
Again, there is only space to give away 1 Assessment so please let me know ASAP if you are interested. You can indicate your interest by sending an email to (info@bintentional.com) and putting FREE ASSESSMENT in the subject line. Please include in the body of the email why you want the free assessment and whether both of you are willing to participate.
So stop wondering whether you should get a Relationship/ Psycho-social ASSESSMENT and ask yourself “Am I worth getting a Relationship/Psycho-social ASSESSMENT?”
Gonna talk with my hubby about this one. Hopefully he says yes : )