Let’s Make Love Tonight

Have you ever found yourself in a space where your mind says “I want some”… BUT your body says “I’m tired” OR “I don’t know what to do” OR “I don’t want to be rejected” OR “I’m not getting it started it’s his/her turn to initiate”?  Don’t worry, those feelings are normal.  We all have a lot going on and while we may want to “make love” we sometimes shy away from it because our thoughts, emotions, and experiences are clamoring for our attention which make it practically impossible to relax, relate and release.  Well guess what yall if you need some assistance getting past the psycho/emotional barriers….peep this list by Jayme Waxman of 50 things you can try TONIGHT that will get you on your way to getting your groove on.  Check them out and make it do what it do. Lol.

  1. Kiss like you did before you had ever done anything else.
  2. Breathe together, holding and hugging each other while you do it.
  3. Eat seductively. Really pay attention to how you lick ice cream or chew meat off a bone.
  4. See how long you can stay turned on without taking any of your clothes off.
  5. Dry hump with your clothes, or at least your underwear, on.
  6. Rub your hair all over his body.
  7. For at least one minute, both of you stare into each other’s eyes.
  8. Set up email accounts using aliases. Then send dirty emails and pictures to that account.
  9. Play a game of striptease.
  10. Collaborate on a piece of erotic writing or storytelling. You write/recite a paragraph, then your partner does the same. Go back and forth until you finish the story.
  11. Buy a pair of nitrile gloves and give your partner a gloved hand job. (Trust me, it feels different.)
  12. Wear a mask.
  13. Wear a wig.
  14. Try a new condom, heck, try the female condom.
  15. Use a string of pearls (plastic beads will do just fine), and masturbate his penis.
  16. Masturbate him with a banana peel. Try warming it in the microwave for five seconds for warmer, happier times.
  17. Use lube. Lots of lube.
  18. Use silicone lube and get it on in the shower.
  19. Be blindfolded or do the blindfolding.
  20. Find three things in the kitchen (like a spatula, wooden spoon, honey) that you can play with sensually.
  21. Fingerpaint each other’s breasts.
  22. Rock around the clit. With your finger, go clockwise from 12 on back, and counterclockwise. See what time feels best.
  23. Rent a porn and reenact a scene.
  24. Masturbate for each other. Cheer, hoot, and holler for your lover.
  25. Read each other an erotic story from a sexy book.


Jayme Waxman: I’m an internationally recognized speaker, sex educator and podcaster with a post-graduate degree in human sexuality. I facilitate workshops nationally. Read my books, Getting Off: A Woman’s Guide to Masturbation and Hot Sex: Over 200 Things You Can Try Tonight. Watch my latest sex-ed DVD, 101 Positions for Lovers.

2 replies
  1. Danielle
    Danielle says:

    ooooh, these ideas are H-O-T!!! Thanks!

  2. Alana
    Alana says:

    Yummy!!!!!! I'm gonna definitely share this with my King

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