The Secret Life Of Women Who Watch Porn


One of the great myths about pornography addiction is that it’s only a male problem. Most discussions  still focus on men as addicts and their wives as victims. Yet the statistics are both startling and terrifying: One out of every six women, including Christians, struggles with an addiction to pornography. That’s 17 percent of the population, which, according to a survey by research organization Zogby International, is the number of women who truly believe they can find sexual fulfillment on the Internet.

And, since more than and one out of every ten websites is dedicated to explicit sex, this industry is quite profitable. The mere financial details about online pornography are overwhelming. Seventy-four percent of all revenue collected online comes from porn sites, which amounts to almost $1.2 billion annually. Thirty-one percent of all online users have visited porn sites, and 60 percent of all website visits are sexual in nature.

  • 25 million people visit porn sites every week
  • 9.4 million women access adult websites, many of them doing so while at work.

Douglas Weiss is the executive director of Heart to Heart Counseling Center in Colorado Springs, and works with people addicted to pornography.  One of the dangers of viewing such material on a regular basis is that people, according to Weiss, “will actually attach to sex as object relationships as opposed to intimate relationships.  So they will actually hunger for object relationships, creating over time what we call intimacy anorexia.”  Object sex replaces relational sex.  And when people become no more than objects, relationships naturally suffer.  Healthy marriages are put at risk.

Loneliness also is the reason Diane*, a single mom, turned to porn. She didn’t go looking for it in the beginning. “I was seeking companionship. In chatting with other lonely people struggling in their marriages, I learned of some Internet sites I could visit to make friends and have fun. At first, the sexual talk in these chatrooms seemed harmless and non threatening.  I could post up my bedroom playboy pics and have men tell me stuff.My loneliness and craving to feel wanted drew me into relationships I really didn’t want.”

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4 replies
  1. Cherie
    Cherie says:

    that I can understand. because inmate sex is not taught, and objectives sex ifs praised. it’s hard because sexual addiction is something not really looked at, I have a fetish addiction. this can hurt nit just the relation ship, but physically hurry the nerves of the body.

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