What Can I Do To Better _________ You In Our Relationship?

VIDEO: This past week we challenged couples to actively demonstrate gratitude in their relationship by simply saying Thank You to the one they love for the seemingly insignificant and obviously extravagant acts of love they’ve been shown. In this video we’re gonna take humility and sacrifice to another level by challenging you to intentionally enter into a space of vulnerability and ask your spouse ……What can I do to better (Blank) you in our relationship. You fill in the blank with sex, communicate with, provide for, emotionally connect with, etc etc etc. By asking this simple question you are demonstrating (puttiny your love into action) that you want to work on your relationship and you’re opening the door for honest critique & communication. And, yes, critique is ok because it is a vital part of  the pathway to growth.




5 replies
  1. Candice
    Candice says:

    This is great stuff. I"m so happy there is a site that exists before someone takes the leap into marriage. I'm so elated that you guys have made this site and that the topics are ones that are needed to be discussed. I'm so secure in my engagement and can't wait to take that leap on April 21, 2011. Thank you both.

  2. James
    James says:

    Maybe I'm missing the point but I don't think there's anything wrong with demanding what you need and want in your relationship. And if my wife has a problem she needs to speak up.

  3. Carol
    Carol says:

    This is something that is so simple but we how many times do we take the time to do it!!!??? I say this all the time that its the small acts of kindness and concern that count most.

  4. Rocco
    Rocco says:

    Ayize it takes a self confident dude to ask that question. I'm gonna ask my lady. Since it's my job to please her I need to know how to satisfy her.

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