Stop Nagging Me!
VIDEO: “My wife always nags me and I’m sick of it!” writes this husband. Is “nagging” just a part of the package when you get married or is there another way? Listen in as the Ma’at’s weigh in on this common complaint from men.
QUESTION: Do you think that it’s fair that women are stereotyped as naggers in relationships?
I always say “Harvesting good fruit in the wrong season bears, bad fruit”. I totally agree.
I dont know, its very difficult for me because I expect adults to act like adults. I agree with Karen on this one. I mean where is the room and time to feed and raise the children if the spouse is in line waiting for his chore assignment and flintstone vitamin!
Point well taken…..however if we completely operate from your position you run the risk of creating the behavior you don’t want. It can be a vicious cycle….as the pursuer pursues …the withdrawer withdraws and vice versa. Sometimes we run from the responsibility because you keep chasing me with the responsibility. There is the possibility that if you stop nagging…I’ll stop slacking. This is of course assuming that the guy takes seriously his role in the relationship.
To be honest, I really feel that if you handle your business you shoudn’t have to worry about anybody nagging you. Men don’t want a nagger but hey, I don’t want a slacker!
“The right thing at the wrong time makes it the wrong thing.”
Simple words…hard application. LOL It took me a while to learn that one as well, Aiyana. I’m really glad that you all outlined how both the husband and the wife can alleviate this issue.
To answer the question, personally I’ve learned that “fairness” is overrated in relationships and life. There will inevitably be times where one will have to pour out more than the other. The key is balance. I think women have been misunderstood (at least I have in past seasons of my own marriage…my husband accused me of nagging as well). I also think my husband was forced to become this psychic because I wasn’t very good at expressing the WHY behind the need I was…errrumm…NAGGING him about. LOL
I wish I would have seen this video four years ago. LOL
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What’s Up Traci,
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