“A Black Woman’s Worth: My Queen and Backbone” Movie Showing This Weekend In DC Area!
TRAILER: A colleague and friend to us here at BLAM, Dwayne L. Buckingham, is helping to shatter stereotypes and rebuild the hearts and minds of black women from the inside out. He’s made a film to celebrate and lift up black women every where and we love him for it.
If you are in the DC Metropolitan area you NEED to make your way out to support him and this great work on March 5, 2011 at 2pm. There is only one screening in D/M/V (DC Md,Va area)
The film’s big premiere will be held during the much anticipated R.E.A.L. Love Celebration Weekend in St. Louis, Missouri March 24-26 at the Tivoli Theatre. There will be a Film Premiere and Panel Discussion of “A Black Woman’s Worth: My Queen and Backbone”, live musical performance, spoken word performance, and educational presentations. If you’re in the St. Louis area and want (or maybe need) to attend CLICK HERE FOR MORE DETAILS.
But, in the meantime if you’re in the DMV you get access to the exclusive screening on March 5, 2011 from 2- 3 p.m.at New Carrollton Library Get your tickets now: queenandbackbone.eventbrite.com. Check out the trailer and the film synopsis below.
[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPC7ctFjrco’]
Black communities throughout the world continue to face serious social dilemmas which jeopardize and disenfranchise black women. Psychotherapist and film producer, Dwayne L. Buckingham shows males and females of all ages how to initiate meaningful dialogue and change their negative and degrading perceptions of Black women. This positive and uplifting film, “A Black Woman’s Worth: My Queen and Backbone” empowers Black women to recognize their personal and ancestral worth and celebrates them by providing strategies to prevent demoralization and burnout. Behold, Black women are beautiful. Black women are powerful. Black women are extraordinary…they are Queens.
Not in the DMV or Missouri area? PRE-ORDER your copy HERE.
To learn more about Dwayne Buckingham and his work, visit him at www.realhorizonsdlb.com
typo: …BEING that I don't live in the DC Metro Area.
Thanks Ma'at's for sharing this vital information. My sistahfriend and I are on a quest to find positive images of men (i.e. for role models for our sons) and positive images of black women (for our daughters). Is there any information about how I could order a copy, bring that I do not live in the DC Metro area.