Baby Mama Drama!
Viewer Question: Hello I am a 29 year old black women and I have been dating my 31 year old boyfriend fro about 2 years now. He has a 5year old son and I have no children. The issue I am having is with is Baby mom. I know that she is the mother of his childrenand I respect that to the fullest I even tried to have an adult conversation with her but she is very disrespectful and rude. I was raised in a two parent household both my parents are still toghether and have been for the last 40 years. they taught me that when I accept a man that has a child that its a package deal which I understand and have no issues with that. Me and my boyfriend live together and so on the weekends when the son comes over when spend time together I read books to him talk to him about school and bond with him. I have a Masters degree in counseling and rehabilation so I understand the importance in education so I try to be a positive influence on my boyfriend son. Me and my boyfriend often argues about his baby mom because every time she calls him about picking up/dropping off details she always seem to bring me up in the conversation and says things like I need to have my own baby and so what I have an education that don’t mean nothing and also says that I will never take the place of her. I really love my man he is such a great guy, very supportive, works hard, cooks very good and doesn’t try to take advantage of me because I am successful. I have been in other relationships where men are intimated by me and he is not. I have talked to my boyfriend about the issue and we cant seem to come to a fair conclusion on what to do and how to handle the situation. Help please!!!!!!
Run as fast as you can
Honey don't marry a man with children, you deserve your own family – stop letting that man and his baggage cause trouble in your life. Also if he left that women to raise a child by herself, what in the world do you think he will do to you !!!
This would not be a big deal to me. If I was in the situation, the only thing that would bother me is the fact that my husband even brought this situation to my attention. The things she says sounds like pure jealousy. He should simply tell her be easy and let his girlfriend know that the mother of his children does not care for her. All the details would just cause static. If my husband and I divorce and my situation was simliar to this, I would not cause my current "man" to feel disrespected
Tell it girl!
I loved and enjoyed this whole video. Strength! I'm 28 No babies he has a 8th month old, she's bat crap crazy. Ppl need this
Do not marry him Run, Run, let's see how far the degree get you in nigerology.
"Guard my honor"…I LOVE THAT!