Fed Up In Your Relationship? When Is Enough…ENOUGH?

There are some folks who are in relationships that they have no business being in.  What began as a belief in the possibility of “Happily Ever After”, has unfortunately mutated into an existence of misery, despair, and hopelessness.  We’re here to tell you that just because your situation feels hopeless….YOU ARE NOT HELPLESS.  In this video we share 4 steps you’ve gotta take to get unstuck and restore wholeness in your life.

5 replies
  1. Elle Royal
    Elle Royal says:

    this seems like one of those times when somebody is told to "Stick it Out" but needs to move on and let it go. I'm just saying : ).
    My recent post SINGLE AGAIN?

  2. Danita
    Danita says:

    I love it!

  3. Jasmine
    Jasmine says:

    Yall have great chemistry…can i say T.V. SHOW : )

  4. Chicworkingmom
    Chicworkingmom says:

    Great advice!! Wish it was longer.

  5. solidice
    solidice says:

    Wow really great advice and it can be used in all areas in your life not just in a relationship but all other aspects. Thanks

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