What The Troy Davis Case Can Teach Our Youth

As my husband and I sat on the couch glued to the television this evening watching every report we could find on the status of Troy Davis’s execution; I could feel my children’s  eyes on us wondering what was going on. Our oldest son then asked “Mom, who is Troy Davis?” As I looked into my 9 year old’s eyes I did my best to explain…. some might think he’s too young to understand but I know better. There are so many lessons that can be learned by our young people especially our black youth—our black boys in particular. I think Christopher Edmin , Urban Education Expert, speaks to this so well. Read well some of the lessons from his article for The Huffington Post and then sit down with your child, anybody’s child, and teach them.

1) Urban youth must be aware of this case. In many ways, they are Troy Davis.

This is especially the case for black males. Parents must let youth know that Davis has been placed in a situation that many of them could potentially be placed in as well. Many urban kids exist around crime and it’s possible that they could be a witness to one, or be accused of something they did not do. Parents should introduce their children to the case, and discuss any potential risk they have of being in the wrong place, at the wrong time. Let them know that it’s important to voice complaints about what they feel is unjust so that they can make the world better. Encourage your children to write letters, or even write a reflection about how they feel about the case. Making them feel like they are part of a social movement empowers them, and also lets them vent their frustrations constructively.

2) All youth must be wary of the company they keep. They should be taught that if something doesn’t look or feel right, they should leave immediately.

One of the most powerful pieces of the Troy Davis case is the set of events that led to the murder of an innocent man. Allegedly, Davis, was at a party, left with a friend, and got into an argument with another group of men. He then met with another man who was arguing with a homeless man. The second situation quickly escalated into the shooting of MacPhail, who came to the rescue of the homeless man. It is important for youth to know that any scenario where voices are being raised or someone is arguing with someone else has the potential to escalate into violence. When this happens, they should leave as soon as they can.

3) Remind youth that the unspoken “No snitching” rule is useless.

For many urban youth, their negative interactions with the criminal justice system have caused them to develop the idea that they should not “snitch” on each other, no matter what. The common belief is that a code of street ethics is broken when someone tells another person (especially the police) about a crime that has been committed. It is important to let youth know that this belief is often the source of an innocent person being implicated for a crime they did not commit. In the case of Troy Davis, he witnessed the shooting and did not report it. Instead, another person who has been accused to be the shooter, told police that Davis committed the crime.

4) Youth must be encouraged to describe exactly what they see. Nothing more, nothing less.

In the Troy Davis case, many witness statements that were the anchor of the case against Davis were later recanted. Witnesses mentioned that they felt pressure by the police to make statements, and in one case, mentioned that she believed that the shooter had gotten away. This pressure by the police happens too often to urban youth, and has serious implications on who gets accused and/or convicted of crimes. Parents must let youth know that they do not have to bend to pressure by those who have more power than them. The truth is always sufficient if it is told respectfully.

5) Youth must know that when all is said and done, things may not go their way. However, they must handle every situation with dignity and grace

In the Troy Davis case, one of the most powerful things has been the response of Davis and his family to the recent decision to deny clemency. Even in the face of what they feel to be unjust, the family continues to remain in good spirits and fight until they can no longer do so. This response has done a lot for furthering their cause, and brought much needed visibility to this case. This certainly does not mean that what is right has been done. However, youth must see that this response does much more to further their cause than reacting violently.

CLICK HERE for the full article

1 reply
  1. K.O.
    K.O. says:

    Ma'ats…Thank you for this. This case was hard for me to watch and process. Sometimes we want to talk about these things, but don't know how. These are good talking points. #4 is so important…"they do not have to bend to pressure by those who have more power than them. The truth is always sufficient if it is told respectfully." Children so often want to give us the answers that they think we want to hear. I try to teach my daughter that she needs to tell the truth regardless of the consequences, but that's a tough one.

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