VIDEO: “Wife Beater”….Is It REALLY That Serious?
By Team BLAM
If you’re black, under 40, and have some awareness of urban vernacular you’ve probably heard or used the term “wife beater”. Yup “WIFE BEATER”…terminology referring to a sleevless shirt, A-shirt, or tank top that has been seen being worn by men who are volatile, eruptive, violent, and abusive to women. “Wife Beater”….women know them. “Wife Beater”…men know them. “Wife Beater”… you wear them?
I can hear some of yall thinking, “BLAM it really ain’t that serious.” Say it with me W I F E B E A T E R. One more time….W I F E B E A T E R. Now tell your daughter, “Daddy’s wearing a ‘wife beater”. Tell your son to put on his “wife beater”. Why do we enthusiastically embrace destructive terminology and completely ignore the psyco/social implications such terminology has on our community. Our children are paying attention to us and are conciously and subconsiously receiving cues on what is socially acceptable behavior.
Today is the last day of domestic violence month. Yall, for the sake of our community, for the sake of our children, and as a sign of support and solidarity for the countless number of women who are beaten by men on a daily basis CAN WE MAKE A COMMITMENT TO STOP CALLING A-SHIRTS, TANK TOPS, SLEEVELESS SHIRTS……WIFE BEATERS?
Abuse ain’t no joke, domestic violence ain’t no laughing matter. “Wife Beater”, is it really that serious? We say YES IT IS.
AMEN! Lets do!
I think Violence does not cure violence. Now a days, Men think that they have the right to hit women if women attack them “FIRST” and wife beaters get to go to jail with out being whipped first. It’s not fair!! There is no such thing as justice anymore.
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Even growing up I was never comfortable with the term. I always wondered why my brothers called it that, and when they explained it to me, I didn't like it. Instead, I call them undershirts.
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Why is it that woman? get a pass on the whole domestic. Violence thing?
You know I never really thought about the use of these words and now I definitely will cease from using it in the future because it? really isn't fair to us
100% agree .
I agree. I loath that term and refuse to use it to describe a shirt. I call it an "A Shirt" and I urge my siblings and cousins to do the same. I think the pervasive use of the term to describe a shirt does in fact desensitize our culture and lessens the seriousness of? actual act of "wife beating" or domestic/family violence. Great vid!
so very serious. words are powerful and we have been? so conditioned to accept dysfunction. we need to elevate on every level, especially language. we can speak certain things into existence. influence is powerful also, we need to be more mindful of the little things. thanks for the vid. god bless
Thats good. I like this video. I agree black folk need to stay away from? the use of words that dont promote positivity in our community. Like you said our history has been through some things, if one respects that then we need to be more aware of the words we are choosing and the words we are useing.
big up to BLAM, much love.