Listen Up. This Is What She Really Really Wants.
VIDEO: As men how many times have we heard from our women “You Don’t Listen To Me!” Almost every time they say that…our response whether aloud or in our minds is “I can repeat everything you just said.” But, men that’s not the point. Listen in and find out what women really really want when it comes to communication. Please listen with an open mind and apply with an open heart.
I think you are right on point when you speak on the desire to have love be “consistent”. None of us want love that’s fickle. We want a love that is deep and steadfast regardless of how our day to day feelings may fluctuate.
.-= Ayize´s last blog ..Interracial Marriage. For? Against? Somewhere in Between? Where Do You Land On This Issue? =-.
I alway writing so fast that somewhere i'm alway making a mistake,so if i do just please work with me….
This is what a women really,really want,on my point of view,Is not being left-out,she want her men to be involved with her on a regular,no split personality,love her today,and ignore her tomorrow,that a no no…She want to feel that confidence,in giving love,and getting it back,The most important thing that connect you'll together is feeling,the first time,you have that eye contact,What did you feel,to know she the one ? right then you'll bonding,you communication with your eyes,the kindle inside,that force your staring,What i got to do,to get this women…so you succeed… now focus on,What i'm going to do to get her?…..