How Comfortable Does Your Triple “D” Feel?
VIDEO: Damn near everybody comes into their relationship with baggage. Some folks are so buried beneath their baggage they look to the relationship to rescue them…to provide a life line. The danger in relying on your relationship to “save” you is that you displace the responsibility to change on the relationship and consequentially assign more weight and value to the relationship or another person than you do to yourself. This displaced responsibility has many people entering into relationships they shouldn’t be in and staying in relationships way too long than they need to. This displaced responsibility has a whole helluva lot of people DELUSIONAL, DISMISSED, and DISHONEST and it’s time to wake the hell up.
If you wanna take your life and your relationship to the next level…..HIT US UP…ANYTIME!
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I needed to see your video this morning. This was a timely word for me, right after my husband said something so hurtful to me last night, and prior abusive situations. I got up, went to the mirror and SAID TO MYSELF, "I am sorry. I love you. You don't deserve this abuse. I will never let this happen to you again." I realized that, worse than the abuse my husband was handing me, I've hurt myself more by allowing it.
So what ever moving on means to me, It's happening today.
I watch yall all the time and really enjoy the knowledge and concepts that you share. Ive been seeking GOD in the last 24 to 48 hrs in regards to my marriage. I told GOD I don't know how you going to make it plan to me, but I will know it when you SEND IT. And today I look on yalls page and only YOU (the man, head,) is speaking. I just bless GOD for yall gifts and ministry and thank you for your word on TODAY. Stay blessed! And tell the Mrs. and the kids Hi for me!
speak black man
Great INFO. Thanks for sharing!!! The tripple "D" is gone.
I thank God that I found y'all! Thanks so much. Blessings! Keep up the awesome work!