How To Get Your Man To Talk To You
VIDEO: Are you tired of chasing your man just to convince him to talk to you? Do you feel like your man is disengaged when you are speaking to him about significant issues? This video helps you better understand the method to approaching men when important conversations need to occur.
QUESTION: Do you know how to get your man to open up or do you feel like you can never have the conversations that matter most? How much of this might be caused by your approach? What one thing can you differently today to get the conversation started?
Love the advice Ayize. I tell couples to go into their spouses world (hobbies, pass times, etc). The “get in & get out” philosphy, I haven’t thought about that lol. It makes so much sense.
I really value this advisement. I may not know exactly how to get him to talk to me, but I know how to get him NOT to:
“Baby, can we talk?”
“Baby, I need to talk to you.”
“Baby, we need to have a little chit chat.”
Umm…yeah. That doesn’t work. I like the idea of time parameters (never thought about that one). You’re right…the most important thing is the conversation takes place. I’m long winded (DUH!) and tend to talk in cycles, so I’m definitely going to set the clock next time we have to have a little talk. Thanks!
those were excellent points Ruby…”get in and get out, don’t linger” I can hear the chorus of men saying Amen, Ashe, Salaam, and Shalom. LOL
.-= Ayize´s last blog ..How To Get Your Man To Talk To You =-.
He know exactly when i want to open up to him,I sat around the houses,looking all bored,and then he finally say…you want to go for a ride,he most relax,when he driving around his old neigborhood,talking about the good old days…..when you bring up a conversation,with your spouse…@ be firm,watch your tongue,talk clear,but don’t overtalk,stay on the main subject…@get in and get out,don’t linger,you’re repeating yourself,they don’t like that,they call that nagging,you lose they attention at that point…@you have talk about it,and discuss it,please don’t bring up that conversation again to your mate,you will lose….