Relationship Success Is A Delicate Balance Between Pushing Through And Having Patience

Patience & Persistence. These are two extremely critical skills that all couples need to have a successful relationship have Listen in and learn about patience and pushing through while Aiyana stages a protest in 34 degree weather.

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5 replies
  1. mishandled1
    mishandled1 says:

    The protest!!! Love you guys!!

  2. Divine Studies
    Divine Studies says:

    Love Yall

  3. Intjurban
    Intjurban says:

    Walking tapes. 34 degree weather, somebody getting fired!!! Seriously, great support.

  4. Osun Sade
    Osun Sade says:

    *Cheers* to your health fam..we need you both..much 13Love~

  5. Debbie
    Debbie says:


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