The Man Period IS NOT Pragmatic
You can try and figure it out if you want to…..but beware….the man period IS NOT pragmatic. LOL. It just happens yall….oftentimes for unrelated, insignificant, and irrelevant reasons. Yes, we as men spazzz out and get into a funk sometimes that pollutes our whole environment. The wife can see it and feel it. The children can see and feel it. It’s no secret. It’s not logical. It is what it is. Please don’t take offense….the man period IS NOT pragmatic. Listen in and hear how my wife deals with me when I get into this stank space.
So glad you spoke on that cause my bf had that mood on Sat night, I just didnt speak much when we were about to go to bed I just took the covers and tuck him cause I knew that whatever was bothering him had nothing to w me. After I tucked him in he said thanks baby I needed that………..relationships are hard and you have just be patient. Sometimes I think people need to say what they need cause its not always going to go as simple.
You ain't never lied!!! It happens to the best of us.
Thank you brotha Ma'at for lifting this up. My husband goes through this too and I appreciate you sharing that it's a normal thing.